People are so stressed out and overworked these days. They know they should be taking time off for vacations, yet keep coming up with excuses not to getaway.
Here is an article about how to enjoy your summer vacation. Of course your vacation will be enjoyed even more if you are naked in sunny Palm Springs. And this is good advice no matter what season you vacation in.
Here's the story:
"Ah, summer! The official vacation season.
...I found that few could actually conceive of unwiring from their smartphones, cell phones, and e-mail -- even while on vacation! I'm more disappointed than shocked by this response. According to, a "vacation" is "a period of suspension of work, study, or other activity, usually used for rest, recreation, or travel" (my emphasis). Why don't wired addicts just call the alternative "workation"?
...Life is just too short for us to be checking e-mail while atop the Eiffel Tower or multitasking via iPhones from the deck of a cruise ship...
My attitude about vacation time is that it's perhaps my one and only sanctuary. The whole reason I take vacation is to recharge my batteries. When I go away, I bring no devices with me: no laptop, no cell phone, and certainly no BlackBerry (which I still resist owning). My general rule of thumb is that for every one week of vacation I take, I make one call to the office. My senior managers have my trip itinerary and contact numbers so they reach me if they need to. I've never been disturbed in over 10 years in this business.
Now, I'm sure plenty of ad people reading this article will say, "Hollis, you're living in some kind of utopia or your business must not be that big. There's no way I'm going a whole week without checking my e-mail or voicemail." In fact, when I informally polled my peers, most said just that: "Checking e-mail is so easy to do nowadays, why not?" and "If I don't check it while I'm away, I can't relax because I'm so stressed about all the work building up and waiting for me."
I don't mean to sound cavalier, but so what? Guess what, folks. There will always be work piled up and more work tomorrow, vacation or no. The fact is, we live in a time when we will never get all our work done. It's a matter of prioritizing and, to some degree, saying, "Things will find a way of working themselves out." Even if you check your e-mail and call the office every day, problems still have a way of cropping up. If there are minor crises, shame on you if no one's got your back so that you can enjoy some peace and quiet.
...That being said, if you find you crave true vacation respite but don't know how to begin to get it try this:
Hollis's Top Six Suggestions to Enjoy an Unwired Vacation
Trust and empower people around you to solve problems.
Plan for time off. For every one week off, start notifying people two weeks in advance of your intended absence. Let them know that you'll be unwired and who to contact while you're away.
Specifically ask for e-mail reduction (staff and clients). Have only essential e-mail sent to you.
Recruit an e-mail "scanner and de-junker" -- an underling who can help flag e-mail and delete obvious spam.
Head to a destination where connectivity is not even an option (sacre bleu!).
Don't bring any wireless devices with you -- for any reason.
Bon voyage...and don't e-mail me!
For the full story click here
It is sad, we hear all the time from guests who tell us this is their first vacation in "x" number of years because they are too busy at work.
Life is to be enjoyed, especially at nudist resorts. When you sit and daydream, you don't dream of more work that needs to be done, you think of fun times in your life, like fun vacations.
Now for those guests who truly can't live without their computers, we do have free wifi at our resort. You can use your laptop in your room or poolside.
If you want to have a nice fun vacation where you can go topless or nude sunbathing, give us a call at 800-786-6938. Visit our site at
Hope to see you in sunny Palm Springs!
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