Saturday, September 13, 2008

A local Australian politician is against a legal nude beach

A local government official is trying to stop the creation of a legal nude beach in Australia.

You can always tell a prude when they say they are not being prudish.

Back at the turn of the century, the above picture was the typical bathing suit that women wore. Then some risque fashion designers came up with a bathing suit that showed a woman's bare shin, calves, and lower arms. People were scandalized. You would think that women were walking around naked the way people behaved.

These new bathing suits were banned at many public beaches for being too risque. I bet Ms. Blumel would have been leading the charge to ban this bathing suit in Australia.

Here is the story:

"Nude 'too rude'

“Buy your own place and put a fence around it” – that’s the blunt message from Cr Debbie Blumel and residents of the Mudjimba area to nudists who want to share their local beach.

After tabling a petition signed by almost 450 people opposed to nudists being allowed on Mudjimba Beach, Mrs Blumel said there was absolutely no reason the proposal by the Freebeach Association should be allowed...

“If they want a separate place of their own, they should raise funds as other clubs do, buy some land, build a fence, hire their own security and pay for the own lifeguards,” she said.

“Ratepayers and taxpayers should not be expected to pay for the whims of nudists.”

...Signatures against the idea were collected from people in the Mudjimba, Pacific Paradise, Twin Waters and Marcoola areas and Mrs Blumel said it illustrated “the local community’s strong passion against and genuine safety concerns over the proposed introduction of a nudist beach”.

“Local opposition to the nude beach proposal is not a prudish, not-in-my-backyard, reaction by a group of intolerant killjoys.

“On the contrary, the people I represent are sensible and thoughtful in their approach to most life choices, especially ones that impact on personal freedoms.”

Research into nude beaches had shown recurring examples of them being taken over by perverts who engaged in dubious behaviour, she said.

“These people represent a threat not only to the nudists enjoying their leisure, but also to other innocents in the nearby community, especially our children..."

For the full story click here

Being the "good" politician, Ms Blumel immediately brings up the children card. We can't have a nude beach because we have to protect the children. Prudes always play that card.

The other interesting comment is where it is reported "research" shows that nude beaches are taken over by perverts. If they truly researched the issue, they would have learned that legal nude beaches have much less problems than textile beaches. Look at Haulover Beach in Miami, it is the most popular beach in Miami. before it became a nude beach it was located in a high crime rundown part of town. Now the area is a major tourist draw. Personally, I bet this "research" is a total lie.

It is too bad that prudish government officials can interject their own closed minded agenda on the population. It happens here in the US too.

Now if you don't want to have to go to Australia to go topless or nude sunbathing, then give us, the Terra Cotta Inn clothing optional resort and spa a call at 800-786-6938. Visit our site at

We hope to see you in sunny Palm Springs!

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