Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Naturism award presented to Edmonton Journal writer

Our resort, The Terra Cotta Inn Clothing Optional resort and Spa is a business members of FCN which is the Federation of Canadian Naturists. They do the same great work in promoting naturism in Canada that AANR does in promoting nudism in the US.

It is funny, since Canadians are a little bit more British oriented, they use the words naturist and naturism, where most Americans use the worlds nudist and nudism. Oh well, it is like the song "You say potato, I say potato...

Anyway, An Edmonton Journal writer won an award from the FCN and other Canadian naturist organizations (of course they have to have a french speaking organization).
She writes she is very proud of her award.

Here is what she has to say:

"Salad Daze
More Journal blogs
Meet the best nudism writer in Canada

Happy Nude Year!: When winter makes nudism a bit too nipply, nudists get their fix with a dip at the pool

I wanted to let you know, dear readers, that I have won a very special sort of writing prize. Not a National Newspaper Award, or a fellowship, or a grant. No, no, those are soooo overrated. The prize I've won is a specialty award, an exclusive sort of award that not just any old writer with a keyboard and a pocketful of trendy adverbs can claim.

Read it and weep: I have won the prize for: the best article about naturism in English to have appeared in the non-naturist print media in Canada during 2007. This award is presented by the Fondation naturiste du Québec in association with the Fédération québécoise de naturisme and the Federation of Canadian Naturists.

Yes, that's me! The Edmonton Journal's resident nudism beat reporter, Elizabeth Withey!

Note this prestigious award comes with a certificate and a $150 cash prize. Far out.

Honestly, winning this prize has made my WHOLE SUMMER. It truly has. I remember, shortly after I wrote the article so so long ago, that someone emailed me and said they'd entered my story in the contest. At the time, I thought, now wouldn't THAT be a hoot...and then I promptly forgot about it. Now, 18 months later....victory!...

Perhaps you've detected a trace of silliness, even mockery, in this posting. It is all affectionate teasing. I am actually quite proud of this win (and I'm not just saying that because I haven't yet received my prize money). It's an honour to be recognized with a writing award of any sort...even the Grade 10 writing award in rural Saskatchewan (yup, I nabbed that one too). So, thanks, FQN/FCN. Truly. I am chuffed. I love it. I mean, how many people can put "award-winning nudism journalist" on their CVs? It's terrific.

To read her story: click here

It is nice that this reporter actually participated in the nude swim and had a fun time. Ms. Withey, if you are in Palm Springs, you are invited to come spend a fun day at our resort. Earlier this year, Canada.com picked us as one of the best places in the world to go nude sunbathing. So I hope to meet you someday.

And if you have always wanted to go topless or nude sunbathing, give us a call at 1-800-786-6938 (toll free US and Canada). Visit our site at http://sunnyfun.com

We have been written up at least three times already in the Edmonton Journal as Canadians love to vacation at our nudist resort.

Hope to see you soon in sunny Palm Springs!

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