Saturday, September 6, 2008

Naturist resort wins top honors in New Zealand

Pretty cool, New Zealand's tourism minister awarded a naturist resort top honors.

Here in California, we have the head of the California Recreation department wasting taxpayer money trying to shut down San Onofre nude beach that has seen nude sunbathing use for over 30 years, and in New Zealand, their governments' tourism department picks a naturist resort as one of the best parks in the country.

What is wrong with this picture?

Here's the story:

"Dress code: casual Nakedness is breaking out all over. Just as two new surveys announce that nudist hols are on the rise, tourism chiefs in New Zealand have awarded one of their top gongs to the Katikati Naturist Park, a let-it-all-hang-out retreat on North Island. The owners, Kevin and Joan Sampson, received the award from the tourism minister as the PM, Helen Clark, looked on. Disappointingly, all were clothed. Did that mean the Sampsons were abandoning their principles? “We do wear clothes sometimes, you know,” Kevin said. “I mean,have you ever tried frying bacon in the nude?”"

To see the story click here

And if you want to go topless or nude sunbathing at one of the top nudist resorts in the world, give us The Terra Cotta Inn clothing optional resort and spa a call at 800-786-6938.

Visit our site at

Hope to see you in sunny Palm Springs!

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