Monday, September 15, 2008

Nude beaches - Too much for kids?

A brave district council in New Zealand unanimously voted to approved a nude beach at Kapiti Coast.

Now all the "what about the kids" prudes are coming out of the woodwork.

First there will be signs where the nude beach is located. 10 year old kids don't go to the beach by themselves. They go with their parents. If the parents don't want to go to the nude beach they don't have to. there is plenty of other beaches to go to.

Next, kids love nude beaches. Go to Europe and you will see how much fun they have.

I will bet never once have these prudes ever been to an official nude beach. They are just fear mongers.

Here is the story:

"Beach nudity 'too much for kids'

Kapiti Coast District Council has come under fire for considering allowing nudity on its beaches.

The council regulatory management committee's unanimous endorsement of a staff recommendation to allow nudity along the 45-kilometre coastline - unless nudists' behaviour is deemed offensive or lewd - has brought strong criticism from a family-oriented lobby group and some residents.

Elaine Watson, who has a six-year-old son, said she did not object to restricted nudity areas, which could be avoided.

"I am not too worried about topless sunbathing but full nudity is a bit much for young kids. I would not be happy with them wandering willy-nilly along the beach..."

"The protection of families and the welfare of children has been cast aside in favour of so-called freedom of expression," national director Bob McCoskrie said.

Families stayed clear of nude beaches for a good reason, he said.

"They do not want their children being confronted by naked men and women.

"The rights of nudists to `hang loose' should not be at the expense of families feeling embarrassed or offended.

"It is completely inappropriate for children to be confronted with naked adults walking past or sunbathing."

"...It is clear from our legal advice that bylaws against nakedness are vulnerable in that they breach the Bill of Rights Act and recent case law says merely being naked does not make a person liable of causing an offence," Ms Rowan said.

"Lewd and offensive behaviour is a matter that is more appropriate for the police and they have the powers to act against it..."

"There have been people choosing to sunbathe naked from time to time and we have not received complaints," he said...

For the full story click here

It is a refreshing change that in an English speaking country, politicians voted to do the right thing instead of caving in to the right wing extremists.

What is also interesting to note is one of the woman interviewed said she was OK with topless sunbathing. I have always found that once women are comfortable with topless sunbathing, it is only a matter of time before they start to enjoy nude sunbathing. That is why we are one of the few nudist resorts in America that allow women to just topless sunbathe at our resort, because they always end up nude sunbathing by the end of their vacations.

If you have always wanted to try topless or nude sunbathing, give us The Terra Cotta Inn clothing optional resort and spa a call at 800-786-6938. Visit our site at

Hope to see you in sunny Palm Springs!

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