Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Topless Sunbathing and First Timers

More about topless sunbathing for first timers

At tribe.net, I came across this post about topless sunbathing from a woman named Lizz. Here it is:

I totally want to do some topless sunbathing. It's so not my personality, I'm usually pretty modest, but I figure, it's Vegas, why not?"

We just celebrated our wedding anniversary at Mandalay Bay hotel in Las Vegas in July. They have a topless pool there. It is pretty well run for a non nudist pool.

They call topless sunbathing European style sunbathing in Las Vegas to make it sound more exotic. The pool is 21 and over, so you don't have noisy kids like at most nudsit campgrounds and parks. That is good because if you found a babysitter for your kids, you don't want to have to listen to other peoples noisy kids all day long. Our resort is also 21 and over.

They limit the amount of men allowed at the pool, so women feel comfortable, and most women were topless sunbathing at that pool. This is contrasted to last year when we were at Caesar's and it was maybe 10 men to every women and the women felt so intimitated, most kept their tops on.

Now one of the downsides of Mandalay Bay's topless pool is there is hardly any shade there unless you want to spend around $350/day for a cabana. Also they don't have a high pressure misting system or salt water pool like we have at Terra Cotta Inn. I guess not all places care as much about their guests as we do.

We were there midweek and it was pretty busy. Maybe 60 men and 40 women were there. Unlike our resort, the people did not talk with other couples. They sat by themselves unless they already knew each other. Now we of course did talk to other people as we wanted to learn why people went to the topless pool at Mandalay Bay. We talked with some of the employees and they said on Saturday and Sundays it was mobbed and much more of a party atmosphere.

It was a warm day and without misters people kept going into and out of the pool to cool off which was great for us to talk with people.

We probably talked to at least 10 women, some with a husband/boyfriend. We introduced ourselves as owning The Terra Cotta Inn in Palm Springs. That easily broke the ice. We found that for everyone except for 1 couple, this was their first time topless sunbathing. The other couple had topless sunbathed at Mandalay Bay before.

All of the women did not intend to go topless sunbathing when they originally booked Mandalay Bay. However, their husbands/boyfriends encouraged them to try it. Every single woman said it was fun and they would do it again. For them, trying topless sunbathing was a spur of the moment decision.

We asked would you ever go to a nudist resort. All of the women said no. They told us nudist resorts were for old people (thanks mass media for giving that impression to Americans). They also did not want to have to go nude. All of the women we talked to were from around age 25-50. They liked the idea that Mandalay Bay's topless pool was clothing optional.

The women said they would try a clothing optional resort as long as they could just go topless sunbathing (not nude). That is encouraging. Like Lizz, who I quote at the start of this story, many women will give topless sunbathing a try as they think it would be cool and fun, but are not as open for nude sunbathing. That is one of the reasons we have always called our nudist resort a clothing optional resort.

We talked with 3 pairs of women that were there for a girlfriend getaway. At our resort, we rarely see girlfriends coming here for a vacation, yet in Las Vegas it is very common. The women also mentioned seeing the ads for topless sunbathing at Mandalay Bay and deciding to give it a try since they liked sunbathing.

All the guys we talked to said they would love to go to our nudist resort with their wife/girlfriends.

What we learned is there is definitely a market for girlfriend getaways that nudist resorts are not tapping into and a lot of women want to try topless sunbathing, they just don't know where to go to find a nice safe place.

Also, it seems if nude sunbathing were easier to get to like at Mandalay Bay in nice resort communities, more people would try it. Here in the US you normally have to trek hundreds or thousands of miles to find a nude beach or nudist resort. And Palm Springs is the nicest location for a nudist resort as we are the sunniest city in the US.

So if you have always wanted to try topless or nude sunbathing, CBSmarketwatch.com picked us as the most mainstream clothing optional resort in America and perfect for first time nude sunbathers, give us The Terra Cotta Inn clothing optional resort and spa a call at 800-786-6938. Visit our site at http://sunnyfun.com

Hope to see you in sunny Palm Springs!

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