Wednesday, October 1, 2008

15% of Americans have vacationed at a clothing optional resort is the most popular online travel network in the world.

This July, they came out with their list of the 10 best clothing optional resorts in the world. Only 2 nude resorts in the US were honored. We were one of them.

This comes on top of picking us this March as one of the best places in the world to go nude sunbathing and last year picking us as one of the 10 best clothing optional resorts in the world.

We are the only clothing optional resort in the whole western US that caters to couples on vacation. We are unique, this means we are busy 7 days a week instead of just weekends like everyone else.

Last year a nudist resort owner paid us the biggest compliment we have ever heard. He said we have probably convinced more couples to try a nude vacation than anyone other nudist resort. We were pleased to hear that considering we are a 17 room inn.

Anyway Tripadvisor came out with their annual travel survey of Americans. Here is one of their findings:

"Fifteen percent of respondents have been to a clothing-optional or adults-only resort."

For the full survey click here

This year has been our best year in our business. We have found that everyone is cancelling their Caribbean, Hawaiian, And European vacations to save money, and they are flying to sunny Palm Springs to stay with us instead. Our resort, The Terra Cotta Inn clothing optional resort and spa is considered the best value nudist resort in the US.

If you have always wanted to try topless or nude sunbathing, give us a call at 800-786-6938. Visit our site at

Hope top see you in sunny Palm Springs!

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