Sunday, October 12, 2008

Ireland and Sex and freedom from religion

Hotel guests know I am of Irish ancestry. My grandparents came from county Leix in Ireland. I have never been there, however, we have had guests from Ireland stay at our resort.

Here in America, there are many right wing extremists who would love to have America become a theocracy. The problem I have always see with state run religion is whose religion does the state enact? Catholic, Protestant, Jewish, Hindu, how about believing in witchcraft like VP candidate Sarah Palin? click here

Until about the last 20 years, the Catholic church dominated politics in Ireland. It was one of the poorest least developed countries in Europe. Then politicians started moving more democratic and Ireland became the "Celtic Tiger," one of the most advanced countries in Europe.

However the Catholic Church dominated Ireland so much they tried to prohibit Irish TV and of course, anything of a sexual nature on TV. Here is the story:

"Sex Factor
As a new TV series on 50 years of Irish nookie starts tonight, Damian Corless looks back at how our broadcasters have outraged the country's moral guardians

Starting tonight, TV3 is to screen a six-part series entitled How The Irish Have Sex. It sets out to chart changing attitudes and practices over the past 50 years using "real-life stories from real-life people"...

The Catholic Truth Society detested the very idea of TV in Ireland. Months earlier they warned: "More souls may be taken away from Christ through the Gospel of pleasure they absorb from television, than if the Antichrist would start an open bloody persecution in our country." As proof, the Society told how: "A baby was born in a taxi en route to the hospital, because the mother couldn't tear herself away from her favourite TV programme."

Irish TV's first sex scandal came in its second year when the station withdrew a sketch-drawing advert for Bri-Nylon underwear. Telefis Eireann conceded that the cartoon of Anthony and Cleopatra was "lewd and lascivious"...

For the full story click here

People forget that the Bill of Rights protects us from religion. The very first words of the very first amendment are

First Amendment –
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion...

When right wing extremists were in power, (wait they are already. Great job managing the economy Bush and gang). When religious zealots are in power, countries suffer financially. They also try to outlaw as much about sex on TV as possible just like Ireland had. They might even try to fine TV stations millions of dollars for showing a bare rear end like on NYPD Blue or Jane Jackson.

Further, they will try to outlaw sex education so that 17 year old daughters of hockey moms get pregnant.

This coming election is a very important one. Our country has suffered for 8 years of lies and incompetence. We now have a candidate running for VP who is 1 heart beat away from being president if elected. Sarah Palin's religious views will make Bush look mainstream.

This election give a lot of thought who you want to be our president.

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