Thursday, October 9, 2008

Nudist Resorts, kids, and 1984's Big Brother

Our resort, the Terra Cotta Inn clothing optional resort and spa is for adults only on vacation, 21 and over. We have never booked families and their kids. There are plenty of other nudist places for them to go to which is fine with me.

We are a 17 room inn on 1 1/4 acres of land so we aren't big enough for a playground, etc. to keep the kids occupied and happy.

At our size, I have found you can not be all things to all people. I have found couples who are booking 1 or 2 week long vacations don't what to have to put up with noisy kids on weekends.

And families with kids, normally only want to come on Saturdays because kids have school. In my opinion, you can not operate a nice upscale nudist resort and cater to families. Noisy kids will always drive the vacationers which you need to stay in business.

Now it appears, there is another good reason to cater to couples. Art Linkletter said "Kids say the darndest things." Well they do them too. especailly these days with cell phones.

It appears cell phones are pretty dangerous in the hands of some kids as they like to take naked pictures of themselves and friends. I am certainly glad we don't have that "exposure" at our resort.

It is pretty scary to think some class clown can take a naked picture of themselves and get their classmates all arrested and charged with child pornography which just happend in a Houston suburb.

Supposedly, we are in Iraq fighting terrorists (wink, wink). President Bush said this about terrorists "they hate us for our freedoms." Well governments from the federal all the way down to the local level seem to have found the best way to prevent terrorist attacks in America. Destroy American freedom. Now they don't hate us. I guess politicians can now proudly say "Mission Accomplished."

I thought 1984 happened 23 years ago. Looks like Big Brother is alive and well especially the last 8 years.

And if you want to take a fun vacation where you can go topless or nude sunbathing with no noisy kids around. Give us a call at 800-786-6938. Visit our site at

Hope to see you in sunny Palm Springs!

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