Last week, a sleazy Australian nude place put out a press release announcing that March was going to be orgy month at their location. This story was picked up world wide.
I have to admit being jealous that a sleazy sex place says that they are hurting financially, thus they create orgy month and they get world wide press. Whereas, we have had the 2nd highest occupancy rate of ALL hotels in Palm Springs for years, yet that is not an interesting story for the world wide press.
A headline like "Palm Springs nudist resorts business is taking off during the recession" would be nice, but I don't think it will happen.
An Australian publication wrote a nice article about a nudist group and how they are good for their local economy. Here is the story:
Nudism generates big tourist dollars for Narrabri and it could help boost Dubbo’s economy if more people are willing to socialise with their gear off.
That’s the belief of Dubbo Inland Nudist Group members who are pushing for increased awareness of the inland nudist trail, from Melbourne to Brisbane.
About 20 people regularly enjoy getting back to nature in a quiet rural setting 25 kilometres south of Dubbo, not far from Taronga Western Plains Zoo.
“We are frequently joined by nudists from other areas and enjoy barbecues, playing sports or lazing around the property’s dam,’’ Dubbo Inland Nudist Group publicity officer Bill Smith said.
“We’re keen to encourage other people to enjoy the freedom of social nudism. It’s not sleazy, offensive or sexually orientated. Getting your gear off is a great leveller - people aren’t judged by the clothes they wear and everyone interacts happily without preconceived ideas.’’
...The Narrabri Shire Council visitors’ centre this week confirmed the well-known nudist retreat was a significant attraction for the town, generating a considerable amount of money.
Bill Smith dreams the Dubbo Inland Nudist Group may one day enjoy similar popularity.
“There’s nothing more enjoyable than swimming and socialising in the nude,’’ he said. “My wife and I discovered nudism five years ago during a tour of Australia. We came across a ‘free beach’ at Darwin and decided to give it a go, just for the heck of it. The experience of swimming nude in the ocean was incredibly liberating and we went on to visit other nudist locations and resorts.
“It’s such a relaxed thing to do. You don’t have to worry about buying or packing a holiday wardrobe and there are few clothes to launder during the vacation. Everyone at the resort shares a common interest and the atmosphere is relaxed with strict rules on admittance and behaviour.’’
...Mr Smith said statisticians estimated 50 per cent of Australians slept in the nude and between 20 and 30 per cent preferred to be bare skinned while relaxing in the privacy of their own home.
“My wife and I enjoy being nude around the house. A pair of shorts and a sarong are kept handy in case someone comes to the door or we want to go into the garden.’’
..“Unfortunately a significant proportion of the community tends to get the wrong idea about nudism - they think we are all weirdos, deviants or swingers.
For the full story click here
Too bad this story wasn't carried around the world instead of the sleazy swinger place calling themselves a nudsit resort.
And if you have always wanted to try topless or nude sunbathing, give us The Terra Cotta Inn clothing optional resort and spa a call at 800-786-6938. Visit our site at
Hope to see you in sunny Palm Springs!
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