Monday, November 3, 2008

Australian Tourism Board sells spiritualism instead of fun

Australia has started a new $40 million ad campaign. Nudism and nudist resorts can learn a lot from this campaign.

Where Australia has always tried to sell its uniqueness and fun, now it is going new age.

A columnist in the Australian Herald Sun is saying this is going to be a big mistake and waste of money and I agree.

When your tourist market is not saturated, you go for numbers. You want as many people as possible to come to your country or stay at your resort. You go mass market or mainstream to be most effective.

Our resort is mainstream. We have always targeted ourselves as mainstream and that is why we have a very high occupancy rate and most of our guests had their first nude sunbathing experience with us and are repeats.

Vacationers, especially these days are looking for value and fun. The world is a hard place to make a living. Most tourists want fun things to do on vacation, not take a vacation for spiritual therapy.

Nudist resorts should be pushing the fun angle of nude recreation and the great value more than any other benefit. In my opinion the more we do this the more successful and popular our industry will become.

Here is the story:

"Tourism goes walkabout

ITS no-spin name spells it out: Tourism Australia is meant to sell Australia to tourists. Lots of them.

But now check Tourism Australia's new Come Walkabout ads: it's decided instead to sell spiritual therapy to urban salvation-seekers.

These two commercials, released this week and destined for screening in 22 countries, are invitations to a church, not a holiday. And to a very exclusive, family-unfriendly church, with not even the hint this time of Lara Bingle's famous bouncing breasts...

Once again, the taxpayer-funded Tourism Australia has fallen to the modern temptation to preach, rather than please. Forgetting its last disaster, it's spending $40 million to advertise not Australia, but its own chic, green-tinged sensibilities...

Forget Sydney, with its bridge or Opera House. The Gold Coast, with its hotels. The Reef, with its resorts. Melbourne, with its MCG.

Ha! That's just where the crude crowds in their novelty T-shirts flock by the planeload. This time we're flogging places where few tourist buses go and no trains reach - outback places where jaded urbanites fancy they can commune with the Nature gods of tribal peoples, far from modern man and his buildings...

He pours sparkling red dust in her hand and whispers: "Sometimes we have to get lost to find ourselves, sometimes we have to go walkabout."

How wonderfully mystic! And just how I plan my own holidays, consulting not a travel brochure but a fistful of dirt...

Where would we shop afterwards? Where would we stay? How much time and money would it take to actually get to these distant places? And what would we do the next day?

Oops. Did I just break wind in church? But you see, there's a reason why just 150 foreign tourists a day visit Katherine Gorge, many of them backpackers with skinny wallets not worth fighting over.

And there's a reason you'll find tens of thousands at places where there's plenty to see, lots to do and enough Australians around to make them feel welcome. Like reef cruises. Wildlife parks. Big cities. Stuff for the kids.

Most tourists are, after all, more pragmatic than religious, and want to fill their too-few days of vacation with fun and value, rather than ommmms and clapping sticks, with a long and dusty trek afterwards to the airport...

Paul Hogan's "shrimp on the barbie" ads, after all, remain the most famous and loved, remembered even today by many who saw them 20 years ago.

How irresistible was his Australia - of beaches, bikinis, barbecues and an Opera House on the sun-lit harbour. It was an Australia populated by charming people who said "g'day" in charming accents..

It worked, of course. Tourism to Australia doubled in the five years Hogan's ads played...

So now we have Luhrmann, selling his Church of New Age Australia. What was Tourism Australia thinking?.."

For the full story click here

If you have always wanted to try topless or nude sunbathing at a fun resort, give us a call at 800-786-6938. Visit our site at

Hope to see you in sunny Palm Springs!

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