Thursday, November 13, 2008

Kate Winslet upset about nude fur photo shoot

When I saw this headline, I though Kate Winslet was pulling a Miley Cyress saying she was "tricked" into exposing too much skin. Once I read it though, Kate Winslet is not mad about the nudity (which is how it should be). She is mad that she was tricked into posing with real furs when she was told they were faux furs.

First, Kate is to be commended for being so mature about public nudity. It is no big deal and she has the right attitude.

Next, I find it reprehensible that a photographer would purposely dupe anyone into wearing a real fur that is anti fur. That is like serving a real hot dog to a vegetarian and saying it is a tofu dog.

Finally, I don't understand why people still wear fur. There is no reason for it. It is just plain cruel.

Here's the story:

"Quickies: Winslet's Fur Fury Over Butt-Nekkid Vanity Fair Pic

The next time Kate Winslet is asked to strike a come-hither pose in nothing but stockings and high heels while sprawled on a wooly throw, she might want to check the label to find out the pelt's origins. The anti-fur actress has found herself in a -- warning, bad pun ahead -- hairy situation over her Catherine Deneuve-inspired derriere shot in the pages of December's Vanity Fair. Seems she was told the fur she was lounging on sans clothes was faux, only to learn later it was genuine, PETA-riling silver fox. "She thought it was false," her rep tells the London Daily Mail. "There was apparently false fur there and real fur there, and she definitely understood it was false.

...The magazine, which already defended the "furious" actress over airbrushing allegations, has offered a mild mea culpa over the fur kerfuffle. "Although there were both real and fake furs on set, the fur used in the photograph is real," a mag mouthpiece said in a statement..."PETA has heard from countless celebrities that sneaky stylists at photo shoots can be rather coy when it comes to fur and whether it's real or not," says the up-with-animals group. "So it seems Kate was duped -- and with so many convincing fakes out there nowadays, it is easy to mistake real animal skins for the fakes."

For the full story click here

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