AANR, the major nudist association in the US has done a fantastic job in the last few years of mainstreaming nudism in America. They have obtained more and better PR than ever before.
Now it is time for nudist resorts to step up and act mainstream. One of the ways is to operate upscale true resorts, not glorified campgrounds and parks calling themselves resorts. Another way is to stop insisting nudist resorts must cater to families with kids. Polls show vacationers take more vacations without kids, so why would they want to go somewhere and listen to noisy children? Thus, many first timers just skip trying nude recreation as they don't want to be naked around kids. That is why our resort, The Terra Cotta Inn does not book families with kids.
The best nudist blog in my opinion is Diary of a nudist. He wrote a good post today:
"I've said time and time again on this blog that if nudism can actually become a thriving capitalist profit cash cow, it will gain more widespread acceptance. Richard Mason, the president of the Florida Naturist Association says it's time for the state of Florida to "grow up" and create more nude beaches, which would create revenue from parking fees and help with state revenue problems...."
For his full post click here
I agree 100% that for nudism to grow in the US, it has to flex it's financial muscle. Here in Palm Springs, we have the 2nd highest occupancy rate of ALL hotels in town. I have also been told that we are the only established hotel that has increased occupancy this year. This also means that when you visit a city, you should stay at a nudist resort instead of staying at a Holiday Inn, Best Western, etc. You can't complain why there aren't more nudist resorts in the US if you don't stay at them.
Because our resort is so successful, I was elected president of the Palm Springs chamber of commerce a number of years ago. City officials in Palm Springs have a very good opinion of our nudist resort because we bring in so much tax revenue to the town.
Nudist resorts need to upgrade and start acting like businesses instead of hobbies if this industry is to grow.
And if you have ever wanted to try topless or nude sunbathing, give us a call at 800-786-6938. Visit our site at http://sunnyfun.com
Hope to see you in sunny Palm Springs!
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