Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Nudist colony reporter, Hugh Mulligan passes away

Hugh Mulligan reported The Associated Press for 50 years. He just passed away. I am always sorry to hear of people dying. It is part of life, but still sad.

Hugh Mulligan had reported on many, many breaking stories in his life. I guess however, the AP wireservice feels one of his better stories was about a nudist colony. Here is what they report:

"Competing with AP colleagues in New York for choice feature assignments, Mulligan drew the short straw — a weekend in a Pennsylvania nudist colony. "Oh, great," his hostess-to-be said by phone. "You'll be here in time for the square dance."

Mulligan later described her as "5-feet-2 in any direction and barefoot all the way up to her harlequin sunglasses" and said the July 4 barbecue was "about the same as any other place except that people tend to stand a little further away from the fire.'"

For the full story click here

It is still so funny, much of the world still considers nudist resorts as nudist colonies no matter how upscale we become.

Now about the square dancing part, I bet he visited that nudist campground a long time ago as we have been vacationing at nudist resorts around the world for over 30 years and never went to a place that held square dances.

If you have always wanted to vacation at one of he best resorts in Palm Springs (according to the Los Angeles Magazine), then try topless or nude sunbathing at our nudist resort, The Terra Cotta Inn. Give us a call at 800-786-6938. We are the most mainstream nudist resort in the US.

Visit our site at

Hope to see you in sunny Palm Springs! Stop by and see why modern nudist resorts like ours are no longer called a nudist colony.

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