Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy Nude Year everyone

We hope everyone had a fun new year's eve. We did here at Terra Cotta Inn clothing optional resort and spa in sunny Palm Springs, CA.

The weather was fantastic. A high of about 76F and nice and sunny. The resort was full.

Above is a picture of a table set up from our New Year's eve party. It was a 50's theme. Costumes are pretty easy, just Bday suits. Here Mary Clare is wearing her apron so that google isn't scared seeing her bare breasts and censor this blog.

We hope everyone has a fantastic new year.

If you have always wanted to try topless or nude sunbathing, give us a calla t 800-786-6938. Visit our site at

Make it a new years resolution to vacation at our resort this year.

Hope to see you in sunny Palm Springs!

Tom and Mary Clare

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