Thursday, January 22, 2009

Rooms available at Terra Cotta Inn January 23rd and 24th at special rates

This is the last weekend we have our special of stay 1 night, the 2nd night
is half priced. You can do a Friday & Saturday, or Saturday & Sunday stay for this special rate.

Also we still have the stay 1 night the 2nd is half priced the rest
of January on Monday thru Thursday nights.

The weather has been great and has been wrong again as ALWAYS.
We were 77F and partly cloudy today. We did NOT get rain as predicted. I wish I had an easy job like theirs where I
was NEVER right and got paid lot so money. Of course it is the National Weather Service. Sounds like our Congress appoints the weather people.

Anyway because of stupid, we have rooms available this
weekend. This is one of the few weekends we have left until June (or
until scares other people into cancelling last minute). is predicting rain Saturday and a local weather forecaster is
predicting SUNNY for Saturday.

If you want a great bargain this weekend, give us a call at 800-786-

Also if you just want to book the Saturday night, you are more than
welcome to.

Visit our site at

If you have always wanted to visit our resort, visit us now on one of the few remaining weekends before the summer that we have open.

Hope to see you soon in sunny Palm Springs.

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