Great news for nudists. Drinking caffeinated beverages may offer skin cancer protection.
In the last few years, scientists have been saying people should be exposed more to the sun without sunscreen, as our bodies produce Vitamin D, the sunshine vitamin.. And Vitamin D is a major antioxidant.
Now there is good news for nudists. Drinking caffeinated beverages may help prevent skin cancer.
Here's the story from the University of Washington:
"Caffeine May Offer Some Skin Cancer Protection
Past studies have suggested that caffeine might offer some protection from skin cancer, and new research may explain why...
They found that in cells damaged by UV rays, caffeine interrupted a protein called ATR-Chk1, causing the damaged cells to self-destruct...
ATR is essential to damaged cells that are growing rapidly, Nghiem said, and caffeine specifically targets damaged cells that can become cancerous. "Caffeine more than doubles the number of damaged cells that will die normally after a given dose of UV," he said.
The above story has since expired on Yahoo News, however another site carried the news. Click here to read more about coffee and how it can prevent skin cancer: http://www.ineedcoffee.com/03/skin/
So drink that double latte before going topless or nude sunbathing.
Terra Cotta Inn clothing optional resort and spa, Palm Springs, California
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