Friday, February 6, 2009

Happy World Nude Day is today February 6th!

Oh those fun loving Kiwis. As anyone who has ever vacationed at a nudist resort or nude beach knows, it is much more fun to enjoy life in the nude.

There is a very popular site in New Zealand, it has an alexa rank of 9652 in that country. A number of New Zealanders have proclaimed today World Nude Day.

Their purpose?

"World Nude Day is about setting yourself free. It's about nude, not lewd. It's about having fun ... with your clothes off."

And to encourage people to enjoy life in the nude, they are asking you to submit your best nude video. The grand prize is $10,000 in gold or as they call it nude money.

The site is obviously NSFW. There are lots of funny videos, so if you have some time go to this site, and submit your own video enjoying life clothes free. Who knows, you might be the big winner of $10,000 in gold.

Of course here at Terra Cotta Inn, we will celebrate nude day by what else? Enjoying life in the nude.

Terra Cotta Inn clothing optional resort and spa

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