Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Americans need to vacation only in the US this year

Here's something everyone can do to help the US economy this year. Vacation only in the US. The job you save maybe your own.

Right now the US is in the worst recession since the great depression. Lots of people are losing their jobs. Yet, millions of Americans are taking vacations in Mexico and the Caribbean. That is taking jobs away from Americans, don't they see that?

According to Wikipedia

"In the US, tourism is either the first, second or third largest employer in 29 states, employing 7.3 million in 2004, to take care of 1.19 billion trips tourists took in the US in." click here for quote

Every time I hear someone brag about going to the Caribbean or Mexico, I think how unpatriotic. If you want an island feel, go to Hawaii. If you want people to speak English with a Spanish accent then come here to California, or go to Texas, or Florida.

Nudists especially ask me all the time "Tom, why aren't there more places like Terra Cotta Inn in the US." I tell them the truth, American nudists in general do not support the American nudist industry.

For instance, Caliente in Florida said one of the major reason they switched to marketing to swingers was they did not get enough bookings from nudists.

I will never understand why nudists go to the overpriced places in the Caribbean and Mexico, especially since most of them are not even owned my nudists.

Now some people are slowly changing their mindset this year. People are waking up to the fact they have been overpaying for years to go to nude places in Mexico and the Caribbean. For instance we just had a couple here for 3 weeks that used to go to St Martin in the spring. They said for the cost of 1 week in St. Martin they could spend 3 weeks at our resort and still go home with thousands of dollars. We have had a lot of guests cancel Club Orient and Hidden beach this year to save money as our resort is considered the best value nudist resort in this hemisphere.

Nudists, cancel your vacations to the Caribbean or Mexico and only vacation at American nudist resorts this year. Also get an AANR membership and support that great organization.

Non nudists, if you are complaining about the US economy and are vacationing outside of the US this year, shame on you.

Vacationing in the US is one way to help boost the American economy and help people save their jobs.

No one should be going to Mexico or the Caribbean this year.

Support American workers, vacation only in the US in 2009!

Terra Cotta Inn clothing optional resort and spa, Palm Springs, CA


  1. If you guy's are nudists, then why don't you ever show nude pictures? I am not afraid of showing myself naked, i love my body just the same as you guys. But why do you only show faces? I like your blog though. I hope to go there one day.

  2. I sympathise with your position, but it assumes that only the American economy is valuable. By taking some American dollars, and spending them in other parts of the world, a tourist may be able to help support the world's economy - especially in those countries that depend on American dollar-carrying-&-spending-tourists.

    I do agree that spending those dollars in American-owned overseas places like Caliente Caribe probably wont help the local people much.

  3. Hi Zachary,
    We have 2 blogs. One showing nudity, and this one not showing nudist. Last year, google decided to censor all nudsit blogs and would no longer spider them. We went from 3000-4000 people per day finding our blog through keyword searches to ZERO overnight. We have built it up to about 1000-2000 people per day finding this blog through keyword searches.

    We still maintain our blog that shows nudity at http://terracottainn.blogspot.com

    Thanks, I'm glad you like the blog. I hope to meet you someday. Tom

  4. Hi Mark,
    I am a firm believer in travel. It broadens ones outlooks on life.

    However, we can not deny the fact that the US is in dire economic straights. As I wrote, in 29 states, the top 1-3 industries are tourism. Here in the US all of the money spent on tourism goes back into the US economy.

    We are doing OK at Terra Cotta Inn. We were the only hotel in Palm Springs that was UP in sales last year (5.85%). Yet, tourism is down all over the US. As tourism workers are layed off, they can't buy things and that ripples through the whole US economy.

    If you go to Europe this summer and spend $10,000, none of that money helps the US economy unless you flew on a US air carrier. Whereas, if you spent that same money in the US, it would be multiplied through our economy. Imagine all the billions that could be spent in the US this year if people gave up their foreign vacations.

    Finally, people always want to know why there aren't more nudist resorts in the US. Every time you book a week in Mexico or the Caribbean instead of a week at a Us nudist resort, your the reason.

    I see so many resorts hurting financially this year. This is the time to vacation in the US not overseas and help America. The job you save, may be your own.
