Thursday, March 19, 2009

Helmets save lives

My condolences to Natasha Richardson's family. If there is one thing everyone should learn from this tragic accident it is the forces of nature don't care if you are rich and/or a celebrity. Nature will always try to get you and win, so it is best to use safety equipment whenever possible. That means life jackets (look at the NFL football players that drowned a few weeks ago), helmets, and seat belts.

A number of years ago, Sonny Bono who was the ex-husband of Cher, past mayor of Palm Springs, and our congressman was skiing down a hill on vacation. He smacked into a tree, was not wearing a helmet and died. In that case I do not know if a helmet would have saved his life.

In Natasha Richardson's case, experts say a helmet probably would have saved her life.

I am living proof that helmets save lives. On my 25th birthday, I was bicycling in Chicago and a speeding car swiped my bike knocking me off. I landed helmet first. I never even had a chance to put my hands down to cushion the blow. It destroyed my helmet and I was scraped up, but I lived. With the big dent that was in the helmet, I am sure the accident would have changed or ended my life.

Back when I was in the accident, I had raced bicycles so I knew the importance of helmets. So even though it was 1979 and not cool then to wear a bike helmet, I wore one. Wherever there is a chance for a head injury, I encourage everyone to wear helmets.

Again, I feel very sorry for Natasha Richardson's accident, but people can learn from her tragic demise and better protect themselves.


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