Sunday, March 29, 2009

Kissing and holding hands can now get you arrested in Dubai

Dubai has been heavily advertising to the west for tourists. Yet, they just took one giant step backwards in appealing to westerners.

Whenever Mary Clare and I go anywhere, we always hold hands. We are very happily married and that is what happy couples do in the west.

In Dubai, simply holding hands can now get you fined and deported. Now I understand that a lot of the rich arab husbands have lots of wives, so they can't possibly hold hands with all of their wives. So I guess the way to not make all the wives feel bad that they aren't shown affection is make it illegal for everyone to be nice to women.

Here's their new guidelines:

"Dubai's new behaviour guidelines

Miniskirts, skimpy shorts and kissing banned

SKIMPY shorts, bikinis and kissing in public could soon be banned in Dubai, say authorities.

The glitzy Gulf city has laid down new behaviour guidelines in the local media in an attempt to tame public behaviour...

Dancing and playing loud music in public will be banned, while couples kissing, holding hands or hugging could face fines or detention.

Miniskirts and skimpy shorts would no longer be tolerated outside hotels, while bikini wearers could be forced off public beaches and only permitted on the fenced-off sands of luxury resorts.

Drinking alcohol outside licensed premises or swearing and displaying rude gestures in public could also be outlawed, the newspaper said.

The report warned, "pants and skirts are to be of an appropriate length" and "clothing cannot be tight or transparent" with visible body parts.

On the beaches "appropriate swimwear, acceptable to the culture of the society and its values" must be worn.

Authorities are hoping the new laws will give police more leeway for fines or arrests in places such as beaches and malls...

Anything more than a "peck on the cheek could offend those around you and even possibly lead to police involvement," the advisory said."

For the full story Click Here

What I like is the statement "acceptable to the culture of the society and its values." I can understand it is their country, so they can be as repressive as they want. But, then when arabs are in the west why don't they act in a way that is acceptable to western society?

The west has freedom of speech. Salman Rushdie wrote a book that arabs didn't like. Instead of not reading it, they ordered his death. Sorry that is not acceptable to western society. As much as democrats don't like the blowhard Rush Limbaugh, they don't declare a fatwa and order his death or Republicans didn't order the death of Congressman Barney Frank, MA because he is openly gay.

Westerners find burkas to be very offensive symbolizes the repression of women in the middle east. Yet, arabs can wear them in the west. Again they don't accept our values.

Westerners believe in freedom of speech and freedom of religion and fare trials, yet arabs in England want sharia law which is barbaric, offensive, sexist, and anti gay.

I encourage everyone not to go to Dubai. Thank god ex President Bush did not get away with his wish of selling the management ports in the US to his friends in Dubai.

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