Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Southwest Airlines has a big Summer and Fall airfare sale

Southwest Airlines just kicked off a major airfare sale. Rates start at $49 one way.

Southwest Airlines doesn't fly into Palm Springs. They fly into the Ontario, California airport which is just an easy 70 mile drive away from Palm Springs. It only takes about 70 minutes from the time you get your rental car until you reach our resort.

You must buy tickets by May 14th. You can fly up to October 28th. Go to South West Airlines site to see all the details By clicking here

Never been to a clothing optional resort before? No problem at our resort, The Terra Cotta Inn. We are considered the most mainstream nudist resort in the US and perfect for couples trying topless or nude sunbathing for the first time.

Last year both and picked us as one of the 10 best clothing optional resorts in the world.

Give us a call at 800-786-6938 for more information or to make reservations.

Visit our site at

Hope to see you in sunny Palm Springs!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Fun Cinco de Mayo Celebration at The Terra Cotta Inn

What's the most fun to celebrate Cinco de Mayo also known as Tuesday May 5th? Why naked of course. And the Terra Cotta Inn always has a fun celebration.

We have plenty of beer, margarita's and Mexican food.

It is always a very popular celebration at our nudist resort, The Terra Cotta Inn clothing optional resort and spa located in sunny Palm Springs, California.

Never vacationed at a clothing optional resort before? No problem. The Terra Cotta Inn is the most mainstream nudist resort in the US and is perfect for couples trying topless or nude sunbathing for the first time.

Last year and picked us as one of the 10 best clothing optional resorts in the world.

We still have rooms available next week for Cinco de Mayo better known as May 5th.

Give us a call at 800-786-6938 for more information or to make reservations.

Visit our site at

For the NSFW version of this post Click Here

We hope to see you in sunny Palm Springs!

British citizens advised not to travel to Mexico for Health and Safety reasons

The BBC reported that England has issued a travel advisory against going to Mexico except for essential travel only for safety and health reasons. British travel firms are all cancelling their flights to Mexico, especially Cancun. Here is the story:

"Travel firms cancel Mexico trips

Several UK holiday operators have cancelled their flights to Mexico due to the outbreak of the swine flu virus that has claimed 152 lives.

Thomson and First Choice, both owned by TUI Travel, said they has cancelled planned flights to Cancun from Manchester and Gatwick airports.

They said they planned to start flying customers in Mexico back to the UK.

Rival Thomas Cook also said it has cancelled all flights to Cancun for the next seven days.

'Health and safety'

Thomas Cook, Thomson and First Choice said their decision followed the UK Foreign Office's decision to advise only essential travel to Mexico...

Travel insurance providers are likely to pay out if a holiday is cancelled after the official advice has been not to go to affected countries...

For the full story Click here

This year I have been suggesting that Americans you should vacation in the US. Every dollar that you spend on airlines, hotels, restaurants, and tourist attractions goes directly back into the US economy.

And I have been suggesting that American and Canadian nudists should support American and Canadian nudist resorts this year by vacationing at them instead of in Mexico or the Caribbean where non nudists run overpriced resorts charging nudists more for rooms compared to non nudists.

I have heard people say they have a hard time finding American goods to buy. Well vacationing in America is 100% AMERICAN!

We have had lots of guests this year book our resort for the first time as now they are looking for value on their vacations. They were tired of overpaying for a Caribbean or Mexican vacation. In a recession, value is king.

And our resort, The Terra Cotta Inn clothing optional resort and spa is considered the best value nudist resort in the US.

And now with Mexico especially Cancun so dangerous to travel to because both of both swine flue and the Mexican drug cartels, it makes even more sense to vacation in the good ole USA. And on top of this, hurricane season starts June first in Mexico, Florida, and the Caribbean, so you will want to vacation where there is good weather instead of risking a tropical storm raining our your vacation.

Palm Springs, California is the perfect alternative to Mexico and the Caribbean. We are the sunniest city in the US averaging less than 3 inches of rain a year.

And our resort, The Terra Cotta Inn is the perfect place as both and have picked them as one of the 10 best clothing optional resorts in the world.

Visit our site at

Give us a call at 800-786-6938 for more information or to make reservations.

We answer the phones from 8am-10pm PST.

We hope to see you in sunny Palm Springs!

A strike agains free speech by US Supreme Court

I have watched comedians perform where every other word out of their mouth was a four letter profanity, and it is pretty boring. Years ago, we saw Tim Allen from Tool Time fame perform live and we didn't know that his vocabulary was so limited to only 4 letter words as we saw him pre-internet. It was one of the most boring hours I have spent and the audience didn't laugh very much towards the end of his show.

I rarely swear although if I stub my toes or knock my shin into something, I do say "ow, sh_t." I use that word I think because my mom used it and so did my grandmother. I guess I was scarred as a child for life because I heard it, according to the Supreme Court.

Under freedom of speech, I feel Tim Allen has the right to perform the way he wants to no matter how boring I thought it, just like I have the right to never see him again.

Our freedom to watch "adult" entertainment is so limited on American TV compared to European TV. In Europe they consider violence on TV to be obscene, where here in America we consider 4 letter words and nudity obscene.

TV stations have been slowing trying to Europeanize. For instance, NYPD Blue showed a woman's bare rear end on network TV. Now they did get called on the carpet by the FCC, but they ran it.

The FCC wants to crackdown on profanity on TV by even fining broadcasters for having a 4 letter word uttered on a live broadcast. Now the US Supreme Court upheld the FCC.

Here's the story:

"The Supreme Court upheld a government crackdown on profanity on television, a policy that subjects broadcasters to fines for airing a single expletive blurted out on a live show...

The case stemmed from an FCC ruling in 2006 that found News Corp's Fox television network violated decency rules when singer Cher blurted out an expletive during the 2002 Billboard Music Awards broadcast and actress Nicole Richie used two expletives during the 2003 awards...

The FCC, under the administration of President George W. Bush, had embarked on a crackdown of indecent content on broadcast TV and radio after pop star Janet Jackson briefly exposed her bare breast during the 2004 broadcast of the Super Bowl halftime show...

By a 5-4 vote and splitting along conservative-liberal lines, the justices upheld the FCC's new policy...

"Even when used as an expletive, the F-word's power to insult and offend derives from its sexual meaning," Scalia said.

Government lawyers in the case have said the policy covered so-called "fleeting expletives," such as the "F-word" and the "S-word" that denote "sexual or excretory activities," respectively...

Lawyers for the television networks also argued the policy violated their constitutional free-speech rights, amounting to a form of censorship...

The policy applies only to broadcasts. Neither cable nor satellite channels are subject to FCC content regulation...

Stevens said it is ironic that the FCC patrols the airwaves for words that have a tenuous link with sex and excrement while commercials during prime-time hours ask viewers if they "are battling erectile dysfunction or are having trouble going to the bathroom."...

"Writers, artists and directors on the front lines of the First Amendment face continuing pressure to err on the side of the blandness," he said.

For the full story Click here

This is further evidence of the erosion of the Bill or Rights.

I thought it pretty funny that Judge Scalia wrote that the expression f_ _ _ you is bad because of the sexual connotation. I have heard many people say f___ off, f___ you, etc, and never once did I ever think that the person saying it intended to have sex with the recipient.

Because at anytime any government from local to federal could always rule against any aspect of nude recreation, I always recommend people to join The American Association for Nude Recreation or You can also contribute to their legal defense fund. Years ago, we donated 1 free week to AANR to be used in a raffle for to support their legal defense fund. They do a great job protecting nudist rights.

Now if you have always wanted to try a fun vacation at a clothing optional resort, give us, The Terra Cotta Inn clothing optional resort and spa a call at 800-786-6938.

Visit our site at

Last year both and picked us as one of the 10 best clothing optional resorts in the world. We are perfect for couples topless or nude sunbathing for the first time.

Give us a call at 800-786-6938 for more information or to make reservations.

We hope to see you in sunny Palm Springs!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

There is still time to volunteer to be on a VH1 TV shoot Monday April 27th

Have you always wanted to be on a reality TV show? Now is your chance this Monday April 27th from 9am-6pm.

VH1 will be filming at our nudist resort, The Terra Cotta Inn clothing optional resort and spa on Monday April 27th They are looking for extras that would like to be in the background. Yes, you will have to appear nude in the background. You are more than welcome to wear sunglasses and hats and some guests will be laying face down in lounge chairs where you will not be able to see your face.

A lucky few will even get speaking roles and who knows where that may lead.

VH1 want about 8 couples that will be extras in the background. We already have 6 couples so they are looking for 2 more.

The show will be shot very tastefully and respectfully of nudism and my resort. These people will treat our resort and guests with just as much respect.

VH1 was already here last Friday April 17th shooting a 30 second TV commercial promo for this episode. So I already know the producer and director. They are very nice people. You will enjoy working with them.

Being an extra, there is no pay. Of courese. we would not charge you a day fee and you will be provided lunch. Even if you can't make it all day and only part of the day, it is OK.

Give me a call at 800-786-6938 from 9am-9pm if you are interested in being an extra or for more information.

Visit our site at

You will love vacationing at our resort someday as we were picked as one of the 10 best clothing optional resorts in the world by both and

Hope to see you in sunny Palm Springs!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Monday April 27th is your chance to be on a reality TV show if you like

Have you always wanted to be on a reality TV show? Now is your chance. VH1 will be filming at our nudist resrt, The Terra Cotta Inn clothing optional resort and spa on Monday April 27th from 9am-6pm. They are looking for extras that would like to be in the background. Yes, you will have to appear nude in the background. You are more than welcome to wear sunglasses and hats and some guests will be laying face down in lounge chairs where you will not be able to see your face.

A lucky few will even get speaking roles and who knows where that may lead.

VH1 wanted about 8 couples that will be extras in the background. We already have 5 couples so we are looking for 3 more.

The show will be shot very tastefully and respectfully of nudism and my resort. Playboy TV last year shot a 30 minute show here on nudism, and it was one of the best I have seen for for showing how much fun it is enjoying nude recreation. These people will treat our resort and guests with just as much respect.

VH1 was already here last Friday April 17th shooting a 30 second TV commercial promo. So I already know the producer and director. They are very nice people. You will enjoy working with them.

Being an extra, there is no pay. Of courese we would not charge you a day fee and you will be provided lunch. Even if you can't make it all day and only part of the day, it is OK.

Give me a call at 800-786-6938 from 9am-9pm if you are interested in being an extra or for more information.

Visit our site at

You will love vacationing at our resort someday as we were picked as one of the 10 best clothing optional resorts in the world by both and

Hope to see you in sunny Palm Springs!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Air Canada Announces up to 50% off airfare sale for May and June, book by midnight EST April 23rd

We love our Canadian guests. Year round, we have more guests from Canada that stay with us than we do from the state of California. The reason is we are the ONLY clothing optional vacation resort that caters to couples on vacation in the western US. This means guests from all over Canada, the US, England, and Australia fly here for their vacations. Since we are the ONLY nudist resort that is busy 7 days a week, instead of just weekends like everyone else, everyone always tries to book their vacations with us.

Air Canada just announced a a major up to 50% off airfare sale. You must book by midnight EST Thursday April 23rd to get this great discount.

We still have rooms available in May and June. Call us at 1-800-786-6938 (toll free US and Canada) for availability.

Air Canada does not fly into Palm Springs without changing planes to their US partner United. However, you can get non stops from most parts of Canada into LAX or San Diego airports. LAX is 120 miles away and San Diego is 140 miles away. We even have many Canadian guests fly into Phoenix (280 miles away), Las Vegas (280 miles away), and San Francisco (500 miles away) when they are taking long vacations in the American Southwest.

From Air Canada's site:

"Sample ONE-WAY Tango Plus fares.
Fares are valid for travel until June 30, 2009.
Fares are valid for travel on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays.
Advance purchase may apply.
Book by April 23, 2009.
The discount is included in our fares."

For Air Canada's site: click here

Make this year the year you stop doing boring chain hotel vacations. Have some fun. Stay with us, The Terra Cotta Inn clothing optional resort and spa, the most mainstream nudist resort in America.

Give us a call at 1-800-786-6938.

Visit our site at

We hope to see you in sunny Palm Springs!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Southwest Airlines summer airfare sale ends at midnight Tonight 4/20

It's time to book your summer vacation in sunny Palm Springs with Southwest Airlines at our resort the Terra Cotta Inn clothing optional resort and spa.

You have to book by midnight tonight Monday April 30th for the best rates.

Here's the details from their site:

"14-day advance purchase required
Purchase by April 20, 2009, 11:59 pm Pacific Standard Time
Travel through August 13, 2009
Travel valid every day except Friday & Sunday
Fares do not include federal excise tax of $3.60 for each flight segment. A flight segment is defined as a takeoff and a landing
Fares do not include airport-assessed passenger facility charges (PFC) of up to $9.00 and government-imposed September 11th Security Fee of up to $5.00 one-way
Travel not available to/from Washington D.C.; Fort Myers, FL; New York, NY
Seats are limited. Fares may vary by flight and day of week and won't be available on some flights that operate during very busy travel times and holiday periods
Fares are available for one-way travel
Fares may be combined with other combinable fares
When combining fares, all rules and restrictions apply
Fares are nonrefundable but may be applied toward future travel on Southwest Airlines
Fares are not available through Group Desk
Any change in itinerary may result in an increase in fare. Standby travel requires an upgrade to the Anytime fare
Fares are subject to change until ticketed
Offer applies to operated published, scheduled service only"

Click here for the Southwest Airlines site

Southwest does not fly into Palm Springs. They go to the Ontario, California airport (ONT) which is 70 miles or 1 hour interstate driving away. About 50% of our guests use Ontario because it is many times cheaper than the Palm Springs airport, PSP.

Give us a call for a fun nude vacation this summer. We are the perfect nude resort
for couples trying topless or nude sunbathing for the first time. We are the most mainstream nudist resort in the US.

We still have rooms available in May, June, July, August, and September for a fantastic summer vacation.

Give us a call at 800-786-6938.

Visit our site at

Hope to see you in sunny Palm Springs!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

The US must make the showing of bare breasts not a reason to be fired

I swear the rest of the western world must laugh at America's hang ups with nudity everyday of the week. In France, President Nicolas Sarkozy's wife Carla Bruni has modeled in the nude. Only right wing extremists there tried to make an issue of it. The average French citizen didn't care. They care more if he is a good president.

Yet, here in America, a 20 year old cheerleading coach is fired because she tastefully posed nude for Playboy (which is a legal activity). And don't get my started on Janet Jackson's nipplegate.

Here's the story:

"Scorned Cheerleaders Rat Out Heroic Playboy Model

It's the story you've heard a million times before: Girls cut from cheerleading squad get revenge on coach by exposing her Playboy modeling activities to school, thus getting her fired...

What apparently uncovered the coach was when some girls didn't make the cheerleading squad because they had a few unexcused absences from school. Their parents then made copies of Christine and dropped the pictures on the principal's desk. Christine was then fired from her position at Casa Robles High School.

"And I was in shock that I knew the girls had seen it and knew about it," a parent told CBS13...

For the full story click here

For a different take on this story, read this:

"Protesters Support Naked Coach

ORANGEVALE, CA - Carrying signs and chanting, "We want Carlie back!" We want Carlie back," five freshmen protested after classes let out at Orangevale's Casa Roble High School.

The girls who made the cheerleading squad said they support former cheerleading coach Carlie Beck. Administrators fired Beck when they learned she had posed nude for Playboy online...

Cheerleader Maisie Tyree said Beck "was nothing but nice to every single girl. She was nice to the girl that couldn't try out and it was totally wrong what her parents did. It was the only card they could pull..."

The girls said they didn't see anything wrong with Beck's pictures. They also said they had their parents' permission to demonstrate after school.

But Heather Giniella, the parent who told administrators about Beck, said she was outraged when she learned about Beck's pictures. Her daughter was barred from cheerleading tryouts...

Beck told school officials about her modeling. She said the situation has been difficult of her."

For the full story click here

If I was the parent, I would be more concerned about my kids unexcused absences from classes, which appears to be why she was barred from being a cheerleader. Back in my day of both high school and college (Univ of Illinois), unexcused absences from classes did get kids kicked off of sports teams.

I would have also used this as a teaching opportunity for my kids. I would tell them that in the USA we have many personal freedoms. Some people chose to practice these freedoms by modeling nude. She could then say why she disagreed with Carlie Beckers choice of modeling for Playboy, but then back Americans rights to freedom of speech.

Sadly because of people like the school administrators and spoiled kids and parents, people are terrified of telling their friends that they love nude vacations and recreation, let alone posing for Playboy. I would bet the #1 occupation of our guests is education. And all of our teachers are TERRIFIED because of closed minded (or is it clothes minded) bigots.

True the US is making small steps to accepting nudity, for instance a number of years ago I was elected the President of the Palm Springs Chamber of Commerce and I was the campaign treasurer for one of our city council members. My owning a successful nudist resort was actually a plus as people saw me as a successful entrepreneur.

And for those people who say it is immoral for Carlie Christine Beck to appear nude, at the turn of the century it was considered immoral for women to show a bare ankle, let alone bare legs or arms. And in the Middle East they still think bare ankles are immoral. Should we turn back the clock 100 years just because some people are so insecure with themselves and their own bodies?

And for the record, both Mary Clare and I have appeared nude on Playboy TV. They are a great company to work with.

So this year, make it the year you try a fun vacation. Stay at our resort, The Terra Cotta Inn clothing optional resort and spa. We are the most mainstream nudist resort in America and perfect for couples trying topless or nude sunbathing for the first time.

For more information, give us a call at 800-786-6938.

Visit our site at

Hope to see you in sunny Palm Springs!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

AANR to sponsor the largest skinny dip across America

I just received an exciting e-mail from AANR. For those of you who don't know anything about this fine organization, AANR stands for the American Association for Nude Recreation. They do a great job of promoting skinny dipping, and nude sunbathing. They also protect our legal rights when governments want to trample on them. Our resort is proud to be a member of this great group.

I received an e-mail today from them. It says "AANR is about to embark on what may be the most extensive public relations and marketing effort in our history...

we need a major "awareness" program...

Guinness [world records company] has agreed to create a new category for the largest number of people simultaneously skinny dipping...

The media pitch will focus the attention of the world on the joys of wholesome, happy skinny dipping as an American tradition proudly supported by AANR and recognized by he Guinness World Records company..."

I predict this will get massive exposure in the US. It is to be held on
July 11, 2009.

We have been open 14 years. We are the most popular nudist resort for vacationers in the western US. Yet, everyday of the week, we still have people who call wanting information about our resort saying they just learned about us.

Here it is we have been featured in Newsweek Magazine as one of the best small business in America, featured in a Best of LA issue of Los Angeles Magazine as the best travel destination in Southern California (with a 5 page feature article), picked us as one of the 10 best clothing optional resorts in the world, as did We have been featured on the Travel Channel, lots and lots of newspapers and magazines, and we are even the only hotel in Palm Springs that had a INCREASE in room sales and occupancy last year.

Yet, lots of people in America know nothing about us or nudist resorts. They have heard of nudist colonies and nudist resorts, yet don't have enough information to realize that some nudist resorts would be the perfect vacation destinations for them. The key words nudist colony, nudist colonies, and nude colony are even clicked on more often than nudist resorts on the web.

I will be keeping everyone informed on this fun event as I learn more.

This year change your routine. Stop going on the same humdrum boring chain hotel vacations where you have to wear a soggy bathing suit all day long. Come stay with us, The Terra Cotta inn clothing optional resort and spa. We are the most mainstream nudist resort in America and perfect for couples trying topless or nude sunbathing for the first time.

Give us a call at 800-786-6938 for more information or to make reservations.

Visit our site at

We hope to see you soon in sunny Palm Springs!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Southwest Airlines has discount airline tickets for May to August

Time for a summer vacation in sunny Palm Springs with Southwest Airlines at the Terra Cotta Inn clothing optional resort and spa.

Here's the details from their site:

"14-day advance purchase required
Purchase by April 20, 2009, 11:59 pm Pacific Standard Time
Travel through August 13, 2009
Travel valid every day except Friday & Sunday
Fares do not include federal excise tax of $3.60 for each flight segment. A flight segment is defined as a takeoff and a landing
Fares do not include airport-assessed passenger facility charges (PFC) of up to $9.00 and government-imposed September 11th Security Fee of up to $5.00 one-way
Travel not available to/from Washington D.C.; Fort Myers, FL; New York, NY
Seats are limited. Fares may vary by flight and day of week and won't be available on some flights that operate during very busy travel times and holiday periods
Fares are available for one-way travel
Fares may be combined with other combinable fares
When combining fares, all rules and restrictions apply
Fares are nonrefundable but may be applied toward future travel on Southwest Airlines
Fares are not available through Group Desk
Any change in itinerary may result in an increase in fare. Standby travel requires an upgrade to the Anytime fare
Fares are subject to change until ticketed
Offer applies to operated published, scheduled service only"

Click here for the Southwest Airlines site

Southwest does not fly into Palm Springs. They go to the Ontario, California airport (ONT) which is 70 miles or 1 hour interstate driving away. About 50% of our guests use Ontario because it is many times cheaper than the Palm Springs airport, PSP.

Give us a call for a fun nude vacation this summer. We are the perfect nude resort
for couples trying topless or nude sunbathing for the first time. We are the most mainstream nudist resort in the US.

Give us a call at 800-786-6938.

Visit our site at

Hope to see you in sunny Palm Springs!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Allegiant Air has a day only, Tax Day airfare sale to LAX

Allegiant Air has a 1 day only, April 15th Tax Day sale from 13 cities into
LAX. A guest just booked and tipped me off. You must buy tickets by 6pm Pacific
time or 8pm Central Time today.

Now they do have security fees, booking fees, etc tacked on, so it is about $49 one way which is still a FANTASTIC Deal.

LAX is 120 miles from Palm Springs about 2 hours and 15 minutes driving time non rush hour.

Here's the details from their site:

*Segment tax, fees, and $13.50 convenience fee not included. Allegiant's $15*
one-way fares are extremely limited, are not be available on all flights and are
non-refundable. Must be purchased between 3 a.m. PDT and 6 p.m. PDT April 15,
2009 for complete travel by Sept. 30, 2009. Valid only on nonstop flights
to/from Los Angeles International Airport to/from select cities. Prices do not
include PFC, segment tax or Sept. 11 security fee of up to $10.60 per segment. A
segment is one take-off and one landing. A convenience fee of $13.50 per
passenger will apply when booked on A convenience fee of
$13.50 per passenger, plus $10 per segment, will apply when purchased through
Allegiant Air call centers. When purchased at time of booking, a fee of $15 for
first checked bag and $25 for second checked bag will apply per person, per
segment. If purchased at flight check-in, a fee of $25 for the first checked bag
and $35 for the second checked bag per person, per segment will apply. In all
cases additional higher fees will apply for three or more checked bags. Fare
rules, routes and schedules are subject to change without notice. Restrictions
apply. Offer not valid on previously purchased tickets.

Click here for their site:
Allegiant Site

Give us a call at 800-786-6938 to check on availability.

Visit our site at

To learn more about Palm Springs, the sunniest city in the US, visit

This summer is the perfect time to have a new, fun vacation experience. Try topless or nude sunbathing at our resort, The Terra Cotta Inn clothing optional resort and spa. We are the most mainstream nudist resort in the US and perfect for couples trying topless or nude sunbathing for the first time.

We hope to see you in sunny Palm Springs!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The Palm Springs aerial tram is a fun thing to do when vacationing in Palm Springs

Yes, it is lots of fun vacationing at our resort, The Terra Cotta Inn clothing optional resort and spa in sunny Palm Springs< California. People love relaxing topless and nude and getting a great all over suntan.

However, some guests do like to play tourist. One of the fun activities is taking the aerial tram up to the top of Mt. San Jacinto. You go from the 2500 ft. base station up to 8600Ft at the upper station. There is a big park you can go hiking in. Plus you get excellent views from the tram as your going up. It even rotates.

Here is a good story with lots of photos.

"Up the Palm Springs Tramway into Snow with Views of Coachella Valley

Hundreds of thousands of people will swarm to the Palm Springs area this week for Coachella Fest. Many only have tickets for one or two of the three days leaving them with time to explore the area including the Mount San Jacinto State Park via the Palm Springs Tramway...

A couple hours trip is all that's needed to enjoy much of what the park offers. A few trails less than a mile or two in length start near the tram's drop off point, a restaurant serves up cafeteria style food and others just go up to take in the views.

For the full story and photos Click here

And if you want a real fun vacation in Palm Springs, then stay at our resort. We are considered the most mainstream nudist resort in the US and perfect for couples trying topless or nude sunbathing for the first time.

Visit our site at

Give us a call at 800-786-6938

We hope to see you in sunny Palm Springs!

Monday, April 13, 2009

A nakations article with the usual stereotypes

If I had a dollar for every time I heard "I'd love to go to your nudist resort, but I can't until I lose ____ pounds," I'd be a multi millionaire. Yet, this is one of the biggest misconceptions that non non nudists have about vacationing at nudist resorts.

The beauty of a nudist resort vacation is you can be yourself. You DON'T have to lose weight to have a fun, relaxing nude vacation.

Here is her story:

"A relaxing nakation will melt away worries

If it weren’t for the extra pound or 30 I’m carrying around, I might just consider taking a nakation this year...

Seems nakations are all the rage these days. CNN — Curmudgeon News Network — said so. The reporter gives this quote: “‘… there’s the idea that if you’ve lost the shirt off your back, you should go nude,’ said Erich Schuttauf, executive director of the American Association of Nude Recreation.”

...Any-hoo, I think we Americans are more practical than Schuttauf thinks.

Basically, on a nakation:

• We don’t have to worry what to pack: Sunscreen, shoes. Oh, and maybe a towel for those really hot car seats.

• We don’t have to answer calls from the office because there’s no place to carry our cell phones.

• We don’t have to fix our hair or put on our makeup because no one will be looking at our faces..."

For the full story click here

The reporter lists another stereotype, "no one will be looking at our faces."

Yes, for the first 15 or 30 minutes, first timers do check people out as it is a new experience. However, societies rules do not change when you are at a nudist resort. Just like in regular life where you look people in the eye when you talk with them, the same is true at nudist resorts.

Once you vacation at a nice nudist resort, you will wonder why you didn't years ago. And our resort, The Terra Cotta Inn clothing optional resort and spa is once of the nicest. We are the most mainstream nudist resort in the US and perfect for couples trying topless or nude sunbathing for the first time.

Give us a call at 800-786-6938.

Visit our site at

Hope to see you in sunny Palm Springs!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter from sunny Palm Springs

We hope everyone is enjoying their Easter. Our guests are as we have beautiful weather, 85F and not a cloud in the sky.

Here's an Easter joke for you:

A man is driving along a highway and a rabbit jump out across the middle of the road.

He swerves to avoid hitting it, but unfortunately the rabbit jumps right in front of the car. The driver, a sensitive man as well as an animal lover, pulls over and gets out to see what has become of the rabbit.

Much to his dismay, the rabbit is the Easter Bunny, and he is DEAD.

The driver feels so awful that he begins to cry.

A beautiful blonde woman driving down the highway sees the man crying at the side of the road and pulls over.

She asks the man what's wrong.

"I feel terrible,"! he explains, "I accidentally hit the Easter Bunny with my car and KILLED HIM."

The blonde says,"Don't worry." She runs to her car and pulls out a spray can.

She walks over to the limp, dead Easter Bunny,
bends down, and sprays the contents onto him.

The Easter Bunny jumps up, waves its paw at the two of them and hops off down the road.

Ten feet away he stops, turns and waves again,
he hops down the road another 10 feet, turns and waves, hops another ten feet, turns and waves, and repeats this again and again and again and again, until he hops out of sight.

The man's astonished. He runs over to the woman and demands, "What's in that can? What did you spray on the Easter Bunny ?"

The woman turns the can around so that the man can read the label.

It says...

It says, "Hair Spray
Restores life to dead hairs, and adds permanent waves."

Happy Easter everyone!

Tom, Mary Clare and Godiva

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Palm Springs is featured in the New York Times

Palm Springs is one of the most popular vacation destinations in the US. And with summer coming soon, there is still time to book at our resort, The Terra Cotta Inn clothing optional resort and spa locate in Palm Springs, California. The sunniest city in the US!

The New York Times just did an article about Palm Springs today. Here it is:

"36 Hours in Palm Springs, Calif.

PALM SPRINGS... Today, after some hard-earned changes, the desert town nestled in the Coachella Valley is becoming a destination for laid-back cool once again. Palm Springs is finding a balance between the past and the present and attracting visitors just as happy climbing canyons and sipping cocktails on a lounge chair as taking in the design and architectural treasures of the past...


Back when Frank Sinatra held raucous shindigs at his Twin Palms home, Palm Springs was known for its party scene. These days, the best drinking establishments are in hotels...[Our resort, the Terra Cotta Inn has a very fun pool atmosphere.]


Along with the moneyed 20th-century tourists came eye-catching buildings: hotels, commercial spaces and vacation homes. Next to a hopping Starbucks on the main drag sits one of the city's oldest architectural touchstones: a concrete bell tower salvaged from the long-gone Oasis Hotel, which was designed by Lloyd Wright (son of Frank) in 1924. This spot is also where Robert Imber, the often seersucker-clad architectural guru and one-man show behind PS Modern Tours (760-318-6118;, starts his three-hour excursions, which provide a survey of the city's key structures with a focus on the midcentury sweet spot. For $75 a head, design enthusiasts can press their faces against the windows of Mr. Imber's minivan, catching glimpses of the iconic Albert Frey-designed Tramway Gas Station, Richard Neutra's 1946 Kaufmann Desert House and the mass-produced but stunning Alexander homes that your guide identifies by pointing out the four key components — “garage, breezeway, windows, wall” — in their various arrangements. [Of course nudists get to stay in one of Palm Springs's most historic resorts. Yes, ours! The Terra Cotta Inn was a famous boutique resort for the movie stars in the 1960's and was designed by Albert Frey.]...


Most of the favored area restaurants have an old-school vibe: tuxedoed waiters, a headwaiter who has worked there since opening day and steak-and-lobster specialties. Though the six-year-old Copley's on Palm Canyon (621 North Palm Canyon Drive; 760-327-9555; might not have the culinary history of nearby Melvyn's Restaurant and Lounge, which opened as an inn in 1935, it has a different sort of storied past — it's housed in what was once Cary Grant's estate — and food that incorporates 21st-century flavors (the spring menu included dishes like a duck and artichoke salad with goat cheese, edamame and litchi; $12). {Both Melvyn's and Copley's are great. Mary Clare and I were restaurant critics in Chicago for 10 years, so we can make great recommendations.]


Getting from the New York area to Palm Springs generally requires a change of planes. Plenty of major airlines (Delta, American, US Airways, United, Northwest and Alaska Airlines) serve the city's centrally located airport. One-stop tickets from New York start as low as $240, according to a recent online search. You can also fly into Los Angeles or the lower-traffic Long Beach airport (nonstops from JetBlue starting at $219) and then drive to Palm Springs in about two hours.... [Also the Ontario, California airport is only 70 miles or a 1 hour drive away. And San Diego, although 140 miles away, is just as quick to get here as is LAX as it is an easier airport to get into and out of.]

For the full article Click Here

What I thought was interesting about the article is it was titled 36 hours in Palm Springs. They meant you check into town at 4pm and check out 2 days later in the morning. That's 2 nights you have to pay to spend in a hotel room.

We have always been called one of Palm Springs's best value hotels. That is one of the reasons we are so popular and why our occupancy is not going down during this recession.

We allow early check in (10am) and late check out (5pm). You can get 31 hours or 2 days of sun for the price of one night here. NO OTHER hotel in Palm Springs has such a great deal. When we go on vacation, I wish other hotels were as nice to their guests as we are to ours.

Although year round about 40% of our guests book a week or longer here because we are the ONLY nudist vacation resort that caters to couples on vacation in the western US, we do have a lot of guests take us up on our 31 hours in Palm Springs special offer.

Now is the time for you to try a new vacation experience. A fun vacation. Try going clothes free on your next trip whether it is a quick 2 day 1 night nudist getaway midweek, or a nice long relaxing 1 week vacation.

Give us a call at 800-786-6938.

Visit our site at

Hope to see you in sunny Palm Springs!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Air Canada has major airfare sale that ends midnight April 15th

I love our Canadian guests. And Canadians love Palm Springs. Year round about 15% of our guests come from Canada. Air Canada was very nice and created a big almost tax day airfare sale. Yes, book by April 13th for discount airplane tickets and save lots of money. You can book your vacation all the way until October 31st.

Here's the info from their site:

"Our worldwide sale is on!

Your search for great deals starts here. Find a great deal to your destination now. See how far your dollar can take you when you book right here at

Don’t miss out. Offer ends April 13, 2009 midnight EST (unless otherwise specified).

Sample ONE-WAY Tango Plus fares.
Fares are valid for travel until October 31, 2009.
A 14-days advance purchase applies.
Day-of-week restrictions may apply.
Book by April 13, 2009.

Search sale fares to your destinations

Click here for the Air Canada website

Give us a call at 800-786-6938 (toll free US and Canada) for availability. We answer the phones from 8am-10pm PST.

Now is the time to take a fun vacation this year at The Terra Cotta Inn clothing optional resort and spa. We are the most mainstream nudist resort in the US and perfect for couples trying topless or nude sunbathing for the first time.

The Vancouver Sun newspaper in Canada in October picked us as one of the best places in the world to go nude sunbathing.

Visit our site at

Hope to see you soon in sunny Palm Springs!

Palm Springs has the best weather in the US for topless and nude sunbathing

Palm Springs was 89F and 100% sunny yesterday Wednesday April 8th. But, you never would have known that if you had looked at's predictions yesterday. They said Palm Springs would be 76F and partly cloudy.

Now our resort was 100% full guests yesterday. Yet, I know of 2 couples from Los Angeles that cancelled driving out for day use because of No matter how much I told the people that there was not a cloud in the sky and we we were warm, they did not believe me. They said they didn't want to take a chance because we would be cold and cloudy yesterday.

I hate How can companies run a site that is so WRONG and yet people blindly believe it? Americans know politicians lie to us all the time, why don't they realize the same is true about

In January, forecast 12 days of rain for Palm Springs, yet we only had 2 days where it was partly cloudy for maybe about 5 hours in the day.

I wonder how many $10's of thousands of dollars we lose every year due to their inaccuracies. And multiply that by all the other tourist businesses in Palm Springs. Can the tourist industry file claims with their site for gross incompetence and scaring away customers?

Finally, when I tell people at our resort, how wrong is, they all say it is wrong where they live too. Why isn't there something more accurate? Like Chimpanzees throwing darts at a weather map. I know they could more accurately forecast the weather, compared to

Now is the perfect time to take a vacation in SUNNY, WARM Palm Springs, California, the sunniest city in the US.

Our resort, the Terra Cotta Inn clothing optional resort and spa is the perfect place to try topless or nude sunbathing for the first time. We are the most mainstream nudist resort in American and perfect for couples trying nude or topless sunbathing for the first time.

Give us a call at 800-786-6938.

Visit our site at

Hope to see you in sunny Palm Springs!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Palm Springs is on sale on United Airlines

Palm Springs is on sale this May and June on United Airlines. They are having a special golf city sale. You may or may not know, but not only is Palm Springs a famous destination for nude sunbathing, but golfers love to vacation here too.

And surprisingly, many nudists are also golfers. We belong to a next day discount golf company so our guests always get great discounts on their tee times.

Now you don't have to be a golfer to buy these tickets.

Here's the info from United's site:

"Spend less green this spring on your favorite golf destinations when you book your travel by April 10, 2009. Now you can save even more and ship your golf clubs with United's Door-to-Door baggage service. Book on today!

Purchase by April 10, 2009
A 14 day advance purchase is required
Travel must be complete by June 18, 2009
Travel is valid Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday (other day of week travel will be higher)
A 3 night, Friday night or Saturday night minimum stay is required and a maximum stay of 30 days is permitted
Exceptions apply, see the fare facts for full rules and information
Additional checked baggage fees may apply. See U.S./Canada baggage information for details about baggage allowances and fees for details about baggage allowances and fees."

To see United's sale site click here

There are some great rates on sale. And we still have availability in May and June.

Come out to Palm Springs for your vacation this summer.

Give us, The Terra Cotta Inn clothing optional resort and spa a call at 800-786-6938.

Visit our site at

Hope to see you in sunny Palm Springs!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Beware of phony hotel and travel deals

All the time I see hotel "sales" that once you look closer, really aren't sales at all. They are just trying to con people into thinking they are discounting their rooms.

I just saw a big textile hotel in the Palm Springs area advertise a 45% off room sale for the summer. Their rooms are advertised midweek at $149/night. This "sale" has been picked up on many travel sites like Los Angeles Times as a "real" deal for budget travelers.

Now when you read the fine print, you'd also see that you'd have to pay a $25 resort fee and parking at this resort.

For the room rate to be 45% off, that means the current rate would be $270/night. I know this hotel NEVER sells for that amount. I checked travelocity and expedia. How much is a room currently at that hotel? $149/night plus $25 resort fee plus parking. Big deal, where's the discount.

People have to watch out for these phony "deals." Hotels all over the world are creating phony come ons so they can submit them to the gullible media as room sales. Let the buyer beware.

Now we have never ever had phony rates in which to offer phony discounts at our hotel. That is why we are considered one of the best value hotels of ALL hotels in Palm Springs. This is also why we have one of the highest occupancy rates of all hotels in Palm Springs.

In the summer, in July and August, we have a true sale on Monday thru Thursday of stay 1 night, the 2nd is half priced. We have had these special rates for the last 14years every July and August which is why we will be full in the summer. We have NO resort fees and no day fees and no parking fees. Also we include complimentary breakfast and afternoon stacks. We also allow early check in (10am) and late check out (5pm).

This year should be the year that you de-stress and try a fun new kind of vacation experience. A clothes free vacation. Stay at our resort, The Terra Cotta Inn clothing optional resort and spa to see why repeat guests from around the world fly to our nudist resort. picked us as one of the 10 best clothing optional resorts in the world last summer.

Give us a call at 800-786-6938.

Visit our site at

Hope to see you soon in sunny Palm Springs!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

We're from Southern California. We can't come midweek, we work for a living"

We have nudists, naturists, and first timers from around the world vacation with us. For instance we have a couple here from Australia, this is probably their 7th time in 3 years they have stayed with us and they have already booked again this summer and early next winter.

We are the only clothing optional vacation resort in the western US. We are busy 7 days a week. we are not just a weekend getaway like everyone else. On our website we print our last minute availability so you can see our occupancy rate.

One of the funniest things I hear owning our nudist resort for 14 years is potential guests from Southern California say when we tell them we are booked on weekends and we suggest that they book midweek. We hear at least once or twice a day, "We're from Southern California. We can't come midweek, we work for a living."

This always cracks me up. Of course all of our guests work for a living. They use vacation time off of work to stay here. We always have more people from Canada, Washington, Arizona here than we do from Southern California because they take vacations.

For instance in the photo is a picture of our friend Jos from England.

Nudist guests who book 1 and 2 week long vacations with us always tell us, "you're so lucky being in Southern California as you have such a big customer base to draw on. They think people in Southern California would be just like them and want to use their vacation days to stay at our resort.

And when we tell them that although we have been selected one of the 10 best clothing optional resorts in the world and guests from around the world vacation here, it is the hardest thing to get a Southern Californian to use a vacation day to stay with us. Now once they do, they become our repeat guests.

So even though we are one of the best nudist resorts in the world, so many guests from Southern California never get to have fun at our resort because they don't take vacation time off of work to stay here.

Now is the perfect time for you to take a fun clothes free vacation. Give us The Terra Cotta Inn clothing optional resort and spa a call at 800-786-6938.

Visit our site at

We hope to see you in sunny Palm Springs!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Laguna Beach nude beach proposal

A writer at the Laguna Beat for a April Fools Day joke, suggested a nude beach in Laguna Beach as a way to increase tourism in that financially struggling town.

However, the joke is on him as nudism probably would bring in lots of tourists. Using our resort as an example, we have the 2nd highest occupancy rate of ALL hotels in Palm Springs. Only the Indian Casino hotel is busier. We are a 17 room inn, but have the financial impact of a 75 room hotel in town, we are that busy year round and other hotels are not.

Haulover Beach, a nude beach in Miami is the most popular beach in Miami. It has rejuvenated that section of town turning it from a run down area into a major tourism draw.

Here's his story:

"There is fiscal crisis in the city of Laguna Beach. In normal times the parking meters... have an occupancy rate of 76%, but this year that rate has fallen to 44% and continues to fall. No one seems to know when it will recover.

Hotel occupancy rates are also falling. The hotel bed tax revenue is down 32%...

Because of the fiscal crisis... city council met in special session to consider ideas to get visitors back... Only one idea seemed to attract the attention of the council... That idea is to have a clothing-optional area at Main Beach...Since there was a fence already installed for the repair of the boardwalk this fence would remain to block the view from PCH [Pacific Coast Highway]...

David Shepherd, Manager of the Inn at Laguna, suggested if the clothing-optional beach is a success they might convert the hotel rooms at the pool level into a restaurant. “We may earn more in a day serving food than we do for a week of room rentals,” stated Mr. Shepard.

Down at the other end of Main Beach several mothers looking after their children at the playground seem to be in agreement that the kids had their playground why shouldn't’t the adults have theirs at the other end of Main Beach...

Wait, wait I’m not done yet. April Fool to you!"

For the full story click here

Now is the perfect time to vacation at our resort. We are the most mainstream nudist resort in the US and perfect for couples trying topless or nude sunbathing for the first time.

Give us, The Terra Cotta Inn clothing optional resort and spa a call at 800-786-6938. Visit our site at

We hope to see you in sunny Palm Springs!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Freedom of the internet under attack in Australia

What is the biggest threat to western democracies? IMO, it is not terrorists, it is our own incompetent and corrupt politicians.

Sadly, in the US we have lots of bad politicians, but we are not alone. Australia has a board that now officially blocks internet sites. And worse, they do not even list the sites that are blocked and the board has no over site. Now I can see blocking child porn sites, and sites that tell people how to do criminal activities, etc., but not disclosing sites they block is scary for civil rights..

Who knows when these people will decide nudist sites are bad. If our FCC wanted to fine CBS TV millions for Janet Jackson's famous nipple slip, who knows what governments will try to "protect" us from.

Here's the story:

"SECRECY, said British judge Sir John Chadwick, is the badge of fraud. He was speaking in the context of financial fraud but it seems equally to apply in Australia where governments wear the badge while robbing us of our freedoms, all the while pretending to do precisely the opposite.

We have over the past decade descended down a path of official deceit where governments erode our freedoms of association and expression while making it an offence to speak of their fraudulence.

It began in the hysteria of a post-9/11 world when the Government stole our presumption of innocence and the protections of habeas corpus under the pretext of protecting us, and then made it a crime to speak about its trespasses....

Secrecy became an end to itself, behind which the Government and its minions were able to hide their worst excesses and intimidate their victims.

Now, under the pretext of protecting us from corruption on the internet, a government of a different colour hides its abuses of power behind another veil...

More specifically, they should have been outraged over the Government's blacklist of 10,000 sites which were to be added to another 1300 identified by the unelected and faceless Australian Communications and Media Authority to be filtered out of our consciousness.

Just what might we be protected against? We may never know.

The ACMA list was said to be mainly of child pornography sites, but last year Broadband and Communications Minister Stephen Conroy could not even define the grounds for restricting the 10,000, although they were supposed to contain "illegal and unwanted content".

Now we learn the ACMA list of banned sites has mysteriously grown to more than 2300, with no public inquiry and no rights of appeal. Worse, we are not allowed to know what is on the proscribed list and anyone who wants to rescue us from our ignorance is threatened with up to 10 years in jail.

An outfit called Wikileaks put online a leaked list of what purports to be the banned list, including entirely innocent sites and blameless individuals. For its trouble, it was threatened with huge fines and placed on the blacklist.

Conroy denies the veracity of the list but we may never know because it is a dark secret shared by the Government, the ACMA and a favoured few who stand to get fat by perfecting the internet filter...

What next? Who next?...

It is a Kafkaesque exercise in mindless tyranny that is unworthy of one of the world's oldest, proudest and previously durable democracies.

Secrecy may be a badge of fraud. It is also the flag of frightened men."

For the full story CLICK HERE

How does this effect nudists? We may be next with our sites censored. If the state of New Jersey serious thought about banning Brazilian bikini waxing, governments can easily decide that nudist resorts are illegal. They do that to nude beaches in the US all the time.

Here in the US, ex-President Bush in his famous speech explaining why he thought terrorists hated Americans. He said "They hate our freedoms." So of course what did he do. Instead of reasserting his belief in the Bill of Rights, he decided to take away our freedoms too. One of the biggest ones was the governments wiretapping every single phone call and collecting every single e-mail in the US. I guess Bush and Cheney felt if you take away Americans freedoms, terrorists won't hate us as much.

Censoring the net is no different that what China, North Vietnam, middle eastern countries and other totalitarian regimes do. It is sad that people are letting our governments get away with this.

But, sadly because of the conservative press who doesn't want to rock the boat, we don't have true investigative reporting like we used to during Watergate.

Citizens need to wake up. Remember what Benjamin Franklin said:
"They who would give up an essential liberty for temporary security, deserve neither liberty or security."

Too bad politicians never seem to learn from history.

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