Tuesday, April 28, 2009

A strike agains free speech by US Supreme Court

I have watched comedians perform where every other word out of their mouth was a four letter profanity, and it is pretty boring. Years ago, we saw Tim Allen from Tool Time fame perform live and we didn't know that his vocabulary was so limited to only 4 letter words as we saw him pre-internet. It was one of the most boring hours I have spent and the audience didn't laugh very much towards the end of his show.

I rarely swear although if I stub my toes or knock my shin into something, I do say "ow, sh_t." I use that word I think because my mom used it and so did my grandmother. I guess I was scarred as a child for life because I heard it, according to the Supreme Court.

Under freedom of speech, I feel Tim Allen has the right to perform the way he wants to no matter how boring I thought it, just like I have the right to never see him again.

Our freedom to watch "adult" entertainment is so limited on American TV compared to European TV. In Europe they consider violence on TV to be obscene, where here in America we consider 4 letter words and nudity obscene.

TV stations have been slowing trying to Europeanize. For instance, NYPD Blue showed a woman's bare rear end on network TV. Now they did get called on the carpet by the FCC, but they ran it.

The FCC wants to crackdown on profanity on TV by even fining broadcasters for having a 4 letter word uttered on a live broadcast. Now the US Supreme Court upheld the FCC.

Here's the story:

"The Supreme Court upheld a government crackdown on profanity on television, a policy that subjects broadcasters to fines for airing a single expletive blurted out on a live show...

The case stemmed from an FCC ruling in 2006 that found News Corp's Fox television network violated decency rules when singer Cher blurted out an expletive during the 2002 Billboard Music Awards broadcast and actress Nicole Richie used two expletives during the 2003 awards...

The FCC, under the administration of President George W. Bush, had embarked on a crackdown of indecent content on broadcast TV and radio after pop star Janet Jackson briefly exposed her bare breast during the 2004 broadcast of the Super Bowl halftime show...

By a 5-4 vote and splitting along conservative-liberal lines, the justices upheld the FCC's new policy...

"Even when used as an expletive, the F-word's power to insult and offend derives from its sexual meaning," Scalia said.

Government lawyers in the case have said the policy covered so-called "fleeting expletives," such as the "F-word" and the "S-word" that denote "sexual or excretory activities," respectively...

Lawyers for the television networks also argued the policy violated their constitutional free-speech rights, amounting to a form of censorship...

The policy applies only to broadcasts. Neither cable nor satellite channels are subject to FCC content regulation...

Stevens said it is ironic that the FCC patrols the airwaves for words that have a tenuous link with sex and excrement while commercials during prime-time hours ask viewers if they "are battling erectile dysfunction or are having trouble going to the bathroom."...

"Writers, artists and directors on the front lines of the First Amendment face continuing pressure to err on the side of the blandness," he said.

For the full story Click here

This is further evidence of the erosion of the Bill or Rights.

I thought it pretty funny that Judge Scalia wrote that the expression f_ _ _ you is bad because of the sexual connotation. I have heard many people say f___ off, f___ you, etc, and never once did I ever think that the person saying it intended to have sex with the recipient.

Because at anytime any government from local to federal could always rule against any aspect of nude recreation, I always recommend people to join The American Association for Nude Recreation or http://aanr.com You can also contribute to their legal defense fund. Years ago, we donated 1 free week to AANR to be used in a raffle for to support their legal defense fund. They do a great job protecting nudist rights.

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