Saturday, May 9, 2009

National Tourism Week is May 9th - 17th in the US - Support the US Travel industry by vacationing only in America this year

Last year and this year have been pretty tough because of the recession. It has been especially tough in the travel industry and the nudist resort industry. Some nudist resorts and campgrounds have gone out of business or filed for bankruptcy. One big nudist resort in Florida decided that nudists were not supporting them, so they changed their marketing strtegy to cater to swingers instead of nudists.

Luckily, we have done OK. Last year we were the ONLY hotel in all Palm Springs that was up in sales. But, then we have always been the only nudist resort in the western US that catered to couples on vacation. There are a number of nice weekend getaways for locals to go to on Saturday nights. However, if you want to getaway for more than just a Saturday night, and you like staying at a popular resort where you can meet people from around the world everyday of the week, we are the place for you.

I have been saying that American nudists need to support American nudist resorts this year. People always ask, "why aren't there more nudist resorts in the US?"
My answer is people need to stop going to non nudist owned places in the Caribbean and Mexico. The reason there aren't more nudist resorts in the US is many Americans don't support them. They are the reason.

I am also always surprised when people tell me that they just got back from a week long vacation in St. Martin for instance where they spent over $10,000 for a week, yet they tell me they can't join AANR (the major nudist organization that protects nudist rights in the US) because membership is too expensive.

I was reading up about National Tourism Week. It starts this week May 9 - 17th. It promotes what I have been telling people. Support your fellow Americans. Vacation in the US this year!

The tourist industry in the US has 7.7 million employees. Every dollar you spend in the US, goes directly into our communities. Further, every dollar you spend at a nudist resort in the US directly helps nudism in America. When you stay in Mexico or the Caribbean at a topless or nude place, they are not owned by nudists (except Sorobon and Club Orient).

The money you spend in Mexico and the Caribbean go to big impersonal corporations that don't care about nudism. You are just another dollar to them. This is one of the reasons why those places overcharge nudists for their rooms compared to non nudists.

This is the year to help the American nudist economy by vacationing only at American or Canadian nudist resorts. If you want more options to enjoy nude recreation, it is important to support your local club, nudist resort like ours, and nudist organizations like the American Association for Nude Recreation (ANNR), etc.

Here is some information about National Tourism Week:

"History of National Travel and Tourism Week
National Travel and Tourism Week was established as National Tourism Week in 1983 when the U.S. Congress passed a joint resolution designating the week to be celebrated in May 1984. In a White House ceremony, President Ronald Reagan signed a Presidential Proclamation urging citizens to observe the week with "the appropriate ceremonies and activities." Industry leaders and public relations professionals from the major travel and tourism trade associations were the first volunteers to manage the annual event. By January 1986 industry leaders had formed a permanent full-time office at the U.S. Travel Association to sponsor the event and expand tourism awareness into year-round programs."

Go to the US Travel Association to learn more about this week:

We hope to see you this year in sunny Palm Springs!

The Terra Cotta Inn clothing optional resort and spa

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