Friday, May 29, 2009

Some people in Maine are bent out of shape by a topless coffee and donut shop

A topless coffee and donut shop in Maine has been bothering some local citizens. One of the waitresses stepped outside topless. Read the results:

Topless Maine coffee shop draws ire, plenty of refills

... one man in Vassalboro, Maine, thought of it all when he opened a coffee and donut shop in February where the young wait staff, both men and women, are topless when they bring you your daily dose of caffeine.
All had been fine at the shop until one of the waitresses stepped outside still topless, forcing state troopers to make an appearance.
Star Cunningham... said she was only outside for one minute, and while the 22-year-old from Augusta admits to having no shirt on, she says she was completely covering her breasts with her arms. One minute was enough time, however, for an outsider to make a complaint...

Town residents will meet on June 8 to discuss an ordinance that will place regulations on businesses like Grand View. Though Maine currently has no prohibitions on either full or partial public nudity, the ordinance will list where, when, and how these types of town businesses are allowed to operate..."

Here is a mature comment to the story:
"Susan said:
A couple of years ago I lived in Maine and went topless in my back yard on a regular basis and nobody cared. I would also go topless at Popham beach and outside of few looks because being topless is not the norm nobody cared. It is not against the law to be topless in Maine; remember the topless lawnmower somewhere near Bangor? The girl was on the deck topless, so what! It is a breast, get over it, get used to it, stop making more of it than what it is, and stop hiding behind your kids; they probably have seen more breasts than any parent will ever know."

For the full story click here

This is my take on the story. Because it is a donut shop, cops are attracted to it like lemmings. Or like moths to light. Yet, their bosses will be mad because it is topless. So cops are upset, because they can't sit around all day long eating donuts and goofing off. (Actually, I know it is not true as we have many fine law enforcement professionals that stay at my resort. I do love teasing them about donuts however).

And the funny thing is is you go to Europe to the beaches most of which are topless and some nude, you will see many restaurants where the wait staff both male and female are topless serving guests drinks, food, etc. It is no big deal there. Only in English speaking countries do we make a big deal over nudity.

125 years ago a bare ankle was scandalous. Now It is no big deal. In the 1700's women of the royal court in France went to balls with their breasts completely bare. It was the height of fashion for a young woman to expose her nipples. Times chance, skin is in again, so conservatives need to get over the sight of bare breasts.

And if you have always wanted to go topless or nude sunbathing, give us a call at 800-786-6938.

Visit our site at

We hope to see you in sunny Palm Springs!

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