Saturday, June 20, 2009

Big Brother is alive and well in Bozeman, Montana

Many nudists are scared to death to "belong' to nudist organizations as they are afraid it would be used against them. Now the city of Bozeman is proud to be the very first "Big Brother" city in the US to ask for passwords to y our social media sites on their hiring applications. So much for the Bill of Rights in certain parts of the west.

Here is the story:

"Job applicants with the city of Bozeman are finding that their private Internet discussions and pictures may not be so private after all.

The city is asking job seekers for the user names and passwords to Internet social networking or Web groups to which they belong. The decision is sparking an outcry from those who say the policy goes way too far...

"I liken it to them saying they want to look at your love letters and your family photos," said Amy Cannata, with the American Civil Liberties Union of Montana. "I think this policy certainly crosses the privacy line...

"I can tell you I would not provide it in an application I submit," Rupp said. "I have been told repeatedly it is not scored, and the application is not discarded if not provided."

Rep. Brady Wiseman, a Bozeman Democrat, led the state's fight against the Patriot Act when the Legislature issued a harsh critique of the federal act, arguing it trampled civil liberties and put the government into a position of snooping on citizens.

Wiseman said Bozeman now is going too far.

"Asking for passwords is over the line," Wiseman said. "I think that this notion opens up a whole new line of debate on privacy."

..."It's one thing, and I think totally reasonable, if someone has a public profile to go check it out," Cannata said.

But private groups and profile could reveal information employers could not legally base hiring decisions on, such as a person's religion, she added."...

For the full story click here

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