I never listen to Rush Limbaugh. He has a habit of getting his "facts" wrong. Just like today, where he calls nudists nuts and Looney Tunes. The funny thing is I know a lot of nudists that listen to him and like him. That means he is calling a lot of his listeners Looney Tunes.
I would bet 40% of our guests at our nudistresort consider themselves conservatives. Nudists are all political persuasions just like they are all ages, shapes, etc.
I think everyone should go to this site and let Rush know how wrong he is about nudists. I already did.
Go to: http://mediamatters.org/limbaughwire/2009/06/24 And tell Rush Limbaugh just how wrong he is about nudists.
Here is what he said:
"... Rush switched gears, pointing to an entry on the New York Times' Green Inc. blog reporting: "Going without clothes on beaches and other vacation spots is commonly called naturism -- a description that implies helping the planet, as some practitioners claim to be doing." Rush said he has a problem looking at most people when they're clothed, but now we're being encourage to go nude. What about skin cancer? Rush said these people are nuts, and he guaranteed that the people we're talking about here are nothing to look at. He hasn't seen them, but he knows these people. He added: "I know the left. I know liberals. All right, would you want to see [Sen.] Barbara Mikulski [D-MD] nude on a beach? Would you want to see [House Speaker] Nancy Pelosi [D-CA] nude? OK, do I make my point? OK?"
Later on he continues on his rant against nudists:
...LIMBAUGH: It's not called nudism anymore -- naturism. These people are nuts. They're actual Looney Tunes. Snerdley, I'm gonna knock it. I'm gonna knock it. These people -- I guarantee you - I guarantee -- I don't want to be stereotypical here, but I guarantee you, the people we're talking about here are nothing to look at. They're nothing to write home about. They're not -- you wouldn't put their pictures in a magazine. I guarantee you. Trust me on this.
No, I haven't seen them. Don't -- I just -- I know these people. I know the left. I know liberals. All right, would you want to see Barbara Mikulski nude on a beach? Would you want to see Nancy Pelosi nude? OK, do I make my point? OK."
Tom Mulhall
Terra Cotta Inn clothing optional resort and spa
Palm Springs, CA
Please repost my post on other nudist blogs, forums, and sites so we can all tell Rush Limbaugh that he is making major WRONG assumptions about nudists!
Rush Limbaugh: Stupid Is As Stupid Claims!: http://tinyurl.com/lfojcb
ReplyDeletei've been on naturist beaches all over the world, but most frequently in florida, texas, and arkansas.
ReplyDeleterush just alienated a big bunch of his supporters. not that i agree with their politics (i head right into the water), but they are centered on their beliefs in life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
some of the larger beaches even have sunday sunrise services for their church-goin' folk.
he alienated me, my friends, and folks of my ilk years ago. now he's alienating people that're on his side.
serves him right.