Sunday, June 21, 2009

Seattle allows nudity in summer solstice parade

In many parts of the US, government authorities are terrified of public nudity. I guess government officials think that if someone sees a bare boob, it will remind them that most elected officials are also boobs at heart.

In Seattle, there is a neighborhood called Fremont, where for the last 21 years they have been having a fun parade welcoming summer. It is clothing optional.

And if you lived in Seattle, you would welcome summer too as their weather is not always the nicest for nude recreation. For instance the #1 home state of our guests is the state of Washington. Canada would be number 2, and California number 3.

We have the out of state and out of country guests vacation with us because we are the only nudist resort in the Western US that caters to couples on vacation.

Here is the story:

"Fremont welcomes summer with nudity, parade

SEATTLE - Hundreds of people - some wearing bizarre costumes and some wearing their birthday suits - turned out for an annual tradition celebrating the beginning of summer in Seattle's Fremont District.

Once again, clothing was optional in the Fremont parade. People used their freedom of expression to go down the parade route in everything from home-made costumes, to body paint, to nothing at all...

The couple agreed that the parade is different from all others in the Seattle, because of the "the nudity, the light-heartedness of it ... the freedom of expression."

"It's fun because nobody hassles you, and you just get to have fun," said the groom. "That's what summer is all about - like being a little kid."

Others who showed up to watch the parade say they love how the city lets people express themselves and have fun.

"The people here are a fun group of people to be around. ... The energy is awesome," said Laura Tritz of West Seattle.

It was the 21st year for the parade, and the 38th year for the community fair that coincides with it."

For the full story click here

Now if you want a fun summer vacation, give us, The Terra Cotta Inn clothing optional resort and spa a call at 800-786-6938.

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We hope to see you in sunny Palm Springs!

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