Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Vacationers warned No topless sunbathing in Dubai

Europeans love topless and nude sunbathing. All the beaches in Spain and France are topless. And many of the best beaches in Spain are nude.

It amazes me why Europeans would want to go topless sunbathing in nudity fearing and backwards country like the UAE where Dubai is located.

Countries like those should be boycotted by sunlovers until they join the 21st century.

Even here in America we have great nude beaches like Haulover beach in Miami to go to. Now I know that Miami is one of the rainiest cities in the US especially in the summer, and most smart nudists would never fly to Miami for a summer vacation, but then people can also come here to Palm Springs, CA to go topless or nude sunbathing. Palm Springs is the sunniest city in the US and it rarely rains at all from May until December.

At our resort, The Terra Cotta Inn clothing optional resort and spa,
we were picked by as one of the 10 best clothing optional resorts in the world and the only one that caters to couples on vacation in the US.

Here is the story:

"Keep your tops on, Brit women warned

Dubai: British holidaymakers have been warned they face serious consequences if they are caught sunbathing topless or behaving indecently in the UAE.

... The new advice says "thousands of British tourists risk arrest by not checking local laws and customs before they bare all abroad".

New statistics released by the FCO yesterday show that 24 per cent of British women have sunbathed topless,... - on holiday and over half of Britons travelling abroad have kissed in a public place. {Tom's note: these are jailable offenses in Dubai.]

...the UAE, wearing skirts above the knee is unacceptable behaviour that could lead to fines or official warnings.

- Making rude gestures is considered an obscene act can be (and have been) prosecuted

- Topless sunbathing is strictly forbidden and can result in prosecution or deportation.

- Kissing in public is an offence in the country."

For the full story click here

It is time that westerners spend their hard earned vacation money in modern societies. Why give oppressive regimes money where you can be jailed for a simple kiss in public. If these countries want to treat women as third class citizens, why should westerners support them?

We have lots of Brits vacation at our resort. I would estimate about 5% of our rooms year round are booked by Brits as we are the only nudist resort west of the Mississippi that caters to vacationers.

Feel free giving us a call at 800-786-6938 (toll free US and Canada) for more information and reservations.

Visit our site at

We hope to see you in sunny Palm Springs!

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