Saturday, July 11, 2009

Guinness World Record Skinny Dip at Terra Cotta Inn

Woo Hoo!!! Today skinny dippers across North America set a world record. Here at our resort, The Terra Cotta Inn clothing optional resort and spa we had 41 people in our pool at noon. Staying at our resort for overnight or for the day we had 55 people. So 41 out of 55 is a pretty good participation.

we set a record for most guests ever here at one time. Normally, we are full and we have 34 people (17 rooms). Then we book 5 couples for day use (44 people). And since we allow early check in and late check out, we will normally have 50 people at a time here. But, we took more guests than usual for day use, thus we had 55 people here.

We have a lot of teachers at our resort, especially in the summer as they all stay here for 1 or 2 weeks at a time. They don't want to be around kids, so we are the ONLY nudist resort in the US teachers really love as all other nudist resorts book families and all their noisy kids.

Teachers are terrified that they would have their picture on the web as they are afraid of losing their jobs. So none of the teachers were in the pool at noon.

We had our local newspaper, the Desert Sun cover the story at our resort. A photographer was here from the paper and took a picture of everyone in the pool.

We also had a reporter from Germany here covering the story. That was pretty cool.

Then at 4pm we had a gigantic ice cream social. If you go to our NSFW version of this site, you will see a picture of Mary Clare with all the brand of ice cream we served. The guests were in heaven. Go to to see the photo

So if you have always wanted a fun vacation, try a clothing optional one at our resort. We are the most mainstream nudist resort in the US and are perfect for couples trying topless or nude sunbathing for the first time.

Give us a call at 800-786-6938.

Visit our site at

We hope to see you in sunny Palm Springs!

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