Key West may have a referendum this fall on whether they should have a legal nude beach. I jokingly am tempted to write their city council and say, "No, I am against it. Now you will get all east coast tourists who fall for you sunshine state false advertising going to Key West which is one of the rainiest cities in the US to go nude sunbathing. Instead they should coming here to Palm Springs, California, the sunniest city in the US to go nude sunbathing.
But, seriously, a nude beach in Key West is a great idea if run properly. Haulover Beach in Miami, Florida is one of the best run nude beaches in the world and the most popular of all beaches in Florida, topless, nude, or not.
Comparing our resort, the Terra Cotta Inn clothing optional resort here in Palm Springs, we are the 2nd most popular of ALL hotels in Palm Springs, only the Indian casino hotel is more popular because they give away free room nights.
And of course if a nudist resort is poorly run, it goes bankrupt.
Well, run nude beaches are a boon to tourism. Now if we could only get oue own state parks department here in California to realize that as they want to close down the most popular nude beach in California, San Onofre. We have a lot of east coast tourists stay with us midweek and go to San Onofre on Sat & Sun when it is popular.
Here is the story in USA Today newspaper:
"Key West weighing referendum on nude bathing
Each year, during Key West's 10-day debauchery known as "Fantasy Fest," body painting more likely than not passes as clothing, even downtown...
This week, however, a city commissioner will propose setting aside a 300-yard stretch of Smathers Beach for nude bathing. One reason, perhaps, for a sense of urgency: The demolition of the Atlantic Shores Resort, with its legendary clothing-optional pool bar.
The Herald reports that The Key West Innkeeper's Association has conducted an informal survey that shows 80% of 225 tourism-based business owners supported a nude beach...
If the proposal passes, a referendum on the issue would be held in October."
For the full story click here
So if you are looking for a fun vacation experience and want nice weather, stay away from the state of Florida, the rainiest state in the US. Palm Springs is the perfect vacation destination.
Come try our resort. We are the most mainstream nudist resort in the US and are perfect for couples trying topless or nude sunbathing for the first time.
Visit our site at http://sunnyfun.com
For more information or to make reservations, give us a calla t 800-786-6938.
We hope to See you soon in sunny palm Springs.
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