Sunday, August 23, 2009

England may finally recognize that nudists are discriminated against

PR is fantastic in the marketing of nudist resorts, as is the internet like this blog. However, one of the worst ways for nudist resort marketing is word of mouth. Yes, when you vacation at a nudist resort all people talk about is what nudist resorts they have vacationed at however, outside the nudist resorts, no word of mouth.

So many of our guests tell us their best vacations ever are at our resort. And then when we ask "how many non nudists have you told about our place," 95% of our guests say none. They are too afraid to admit they are nudists.

I have always said being a nudist today is like being gay back in the 1960's. You have to be in the closet for your own safety. Now some places like Palm Springs, it is very accepted. I was even the campaign treasurer for one of our city council members and was elect the president of the Palm Springs Chamber of Commerce.

Yet, if I was to try to teach school, I wonder would I have a hard time getting a job admitting I was a nudist?

In England they are starting to realize the discrimination against nudists.

Here is the story:

"The Government Equalities Office, overseen by Labour’s deputy leader, ranks the prejudice faced by those who wish to go naked wherever possible as equivalent to that experienced by homosexuals, ethnic minorities and the elderly.

A recent review into discrimination includes a submission written by British Naturism, which was selected for display on the website of the equalities office alongside work by Stonewall, the gay rights group, Age Concern and the Runnymede Trust, which campaigns for racial equality.

“Naturists encounter prejudice in employment,” it reads.

“This is a particular problem for people in the caring professions and education...

There is a thriving industry devoted to naturism in Britain, including more than 100 naturist-friendly campsites and a selection of luxury cruises where clothing is optional...

British Naturism has 16,000 members but claims there could be 1.2m naturists in the country, with many choosing to cover up their hobby.

Now it is urging the Government and other authorities to make “affirmative statements” in favour of naturism.

Andrew Welch, commercial manager of British Naturism, said the type of discrimination suffered by naturists today was similar to that endured by gay people before the decriminalisation of homosexuality in 1967...

“The presumption of many in society that a person without clothes is always up to no good is archaic and discriminatory.”

For the full story click here

It would really be cool if England was the first major government to speak up positively about nudism. Here in Palm Springs, we are highly thought of by our local government because we have such a high occupancy rate, but that is just small town politics, not national politics.

I wish British Naturism good luck with their cause.

Now if you want to try topless or nude sunbathing for the first time, feel free giving us a call at 800-786-6938.

We are the most mainstream nudist resort in the US and are perfect for couples trying topless or nude sunbathing for the first time. You don't even have to be a nudist to vacation with us.

Visit our site at

Hope to see you soon in sunny Palm Springs!

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