I am writing this from the beautiful Laguna Del Sol nudist resort up by Sacramento, CA. They are located in Wilton. I brought my camera here but forgot the USB to download photos, so you will have to wait until I get back and can post photos.
AANR, the American Association for Nude Recreation is the best nudist organization in the US. We have proudly been members for well over 20 years.
They have regional boards. Obviously since Terra Cotta Inn is located in California, we are in the western region. It is called AANR- West Their website is http://aanrwest.com
They had an election by the membership for board members and I got elected to the board. Woo Hoo look out textile world.
Obviously, my area of expertise is marketing and PR, so I will be on that committee.
If people have questions about AANR, feel free calling me at 800-786-6938.
If you want me to bring something up to the board, let me know.
The board meets 4 times a year.
I am very happy to be elected to this position of trust for nudists. I won't let you down.
Tom Mulhall
The Terra Cotta Inn clothing optional resort and spa
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