Thursday, August 27, 2009

A nudist park in Ontario, Canada wil be closing

Glen Echo, the oldest nudist campground in Ontario, Canada will be closing. The owners could not find a buyer.

Now descriptions of this nudist campground makes it sound rustic. I have never been there. Maybe it deserves to be sold off to non nudists. I don't know.

Yet, this is a disturbing trend for American and Canadian nudism.

Who's to blame? I put the blame squarely on many American and Canadian nudists.

Every time an American or Canadian nudist goes to Mexico or the Caribbean and stays at a corporate owned, non nudist owned resort, beach or hotel, that is taking money away that could grow the nudist industry in the US and Canada.

Paradise Lakes in Tampa, Florida decided they had to go way more risque because they felt nudists were not supporting them enough.

I don't understand why American and Canadian nudists way overpay to stay at the Caribbean and Mexican naked places. I've been to most of them once before we started Terra Cotta Inn. They are nothing special. They were way, way overpriced and we never went back to them. And we have been to some of the newer ones in Mexico and the Caribbean since we started Terra Cotta. These places are still way too overpriced for what you get.

Now if you want to support a great nudist place like Sorobon, in Bonaire then you should. That place is owned by nudists and they charge a fair price. But all other nudist places in the Caribbean are way overpriced for what they deliver in my opinion.

Finally due to the recession nudists are realizing they have been had for years at these non nudist owned places in Mexico and the Caribbean.

Nudists sometimes spending more then a $100/night extra to stay on the nude side instead of the prude side at some of these places. Worse, they are supposedly getting tolerable meals as they are all inclusives. But on the nude side, they only have hamburger shacks if you want to eat nude. What a rip off.

Could you imagine an American nudist resort treating their guests this badly? Never. But, lots of nudists pony up $5000-$8000 for a week at these places and complain that they say we can't find enough good places like Terra Cotta Inn in the US to stay at. If they stayed here more and didn't go to Mexico or the Caribbean, we could open a second place. But, as long as nudists flock like lemmings to to Mexico and the Caribbean, I am not going to over expand.

My business is probably less then 20% AANR members and less than 5% TNS members. If it wasn't for us converting first timers into loving nude sunbathing at our resort, we would be belly up.

Nudists have to realize they are their own worst enemies. Stop giving your money to big greedy corporations in Mexico and the Caribbean who laugh at you because they can over charge you.

Start supporting American and Canadian nudism! Keep the vacation money home.

Here's the story:

"Left out in the cold
Naturist park’s closing leaves nudists with limited options

By this time next month, about 150 nudists will be cast out of the province’s oldest naturist retreat because their 100 acres of Eden is being sold to a private owner...

“We’re all very disappointed. You suddenly lose your second home, our home away from home.”

The nudist movement in Ontario had its genesis with Glen Echo Park, which was founded in 1955 as a co-operative. Most in the community got their first taste of naturism at the site... In its mid-1990s heyday, as many as 350 families were members...

Glen Echo’s owners, Mary and Edward Todorowsky, are approaching 80. Off and on Since 2005, they’ve been trying to sell to someone within the nudist community, who would keep their sanctuary open.

But after fours years of trying and several failed offers, the Todorowskys gave up...

“Losing a club is not good for naturism,” said StĂ©phane DeschĂȘnes, who owns Bare Oaks...

Hoping to attract a younger crowd, both resorts are moving away from the old “roughing it with nature” mentality by installing plumbing, electricity hook-ups for trailers and satellite television.

“We just added WiFi,” said Four Seasons manager Tom Landers. “I’ve been talking to the owner of Bare Oaks and both of us feel that this market is in its infancy.”

For the full story click here

Now as I said, the grounds sound very rustic at Glen Echo, so it may have been the correct thing to do to let it go textile. But, if nudists don't stop going to Mexico and the Caribbean, then one day they will wake up and find that there are NO nice nudist places left for them to go to without going out of country. And they will only have themselves to blame.

Now if you want to vacation at one of the best clothing optional resorts in the world according to and, then give us The Terra Cotta Inn clothing optional resort and spa a call at 800-786-6938.

Visit our site at

We hope to see you in sunny Palm Springs!

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