Saturday, August 22, 2009

RIP Godiva, March 28th, 1995- August 22nd, 2009 We Love You and Will Miss You Forever

I have very sad news for all of Godiva's friends. We had to put Godiva to sleep
this morning.

She was born with bad kidneys. Her whole life we had to monitor what she ate and
we had to monitor her kidney function. She used to complain to us saying we were
the meanest parents ever for not letting her eat chicken, beef, fish etc. like other dogs could. She used to say to us all the time, "other dogs can eat that delicious food, why can't I?"

As guests all knew, she was a professional BBQer. She would give the best advice when you were BBQing. Everyone always felt so bad that we couldn't share our food with her. But it was for the best for her.

Sadly, her kidneys took a irreversible turn for the worst this week.

Last night, we knew we had to put her down while she was still comfortable and
with the dignity she deserved.

We will miss her very much. We loved her with all our hearts as did many guests. She was such a special part of our lives, our guest lives, and our hotel.

We have a couple here right now that would always bring her a new toy every time
they stayed here. They reminded me that every time they were here, every morning
right at 8 am, Godiva was knocking on their door saying "Get up, time for a walk,
let's go, hurry up, let's go." And Godiva truly was knocking. She sat and used her paw to hit the door just like a human uses our knuckles.

Godiva was such a character. She loved life and loved working at our resort. And she
loved all the guests (especially the ones that took her for a walk). She was such a happy dog and was always smiling. Even yesterday, she managed a smile for part of the day.

Godiva also loved nudism. You could walk into our resort or leave our resort wearing clothes. That was OK with her. But, once you walked around the grounds or by the pool she insisted on your being nude. She would bark at people who wore clothes. It was the most adorable thing. Everyone knew she was saying take you clothes off and join in with the nude fun. A reporter from the Arizona Republic newspaper saw this and wrote about Godiva the nudist dog in that newspaper.

Godiva was such a ham. As soon as she saw a camera, she posed. She loved having
her picture taken. So luckily we have lots of fond memories of her on film.

We loved her a lot and will always miss her immensely.

Sadly no one can escape old age. Not even Godiva. Even a Super Dog costume couldn't save her from all living things biggest enemy, time.

If any one has any funny stories to share about Godiva, it is OK to post them

A lot of guests have started posting stories about Godiva at our yahoo group at

If you want to read the stories, join the group.


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