Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Dear Abby writes give nudism a try!

This post should be re posted everywhere on the net. It is very positive news for nude recreation and nudism.

Dear Abby is considered a major authority of personal advice. She is know for giving sound conservative advice. I bet the letter below will help many men convince their wife or girlfriend to try a vacation at a nudist resort or to even go nude sunbathing in their own back yard. Dear Abby says "the naturalist [it is cute who she made a common media spelling error] lifestyle is healthy and upbeat, so give it a try."

Here's the letter to Dear Abby:

Dear Abby
Wife Shies Away From Man's Embrace Of Nudist's Lifestyle

DEAR ABBY: My husband, "Adam," and I bought a lovely, secluded home in the country... Now it seems like my husband plans to spend the rest of his life in the nude. He loves it and often tells me how "relaxing" it feels. I must admit his temperament has improved.

...He works in the yard, cuts the grass, hikes in our woods naked -- and has a head-to-toe golden tan.

...My problem is, Adam is constantly after me to join him. I admire his nerve, but just can't bring myself to go outdoors with nothing on... My biggest hang-up is fear of getting caught...

Should I give in to Adam's request and give his nude lifestyle a try?...I told him I'd follow your advice. -- "EVE" IN UPSTATE NEW YORK

DEAR "EVE": I'm not opposed to it. From everything I have read, and from readers' testimonials, the naturalist lifestyle is healthy and upbeat, so give it a try. Just be sure to wear sunscreen..."

For the full letter: click here

Fear is the biggest reason more people especially women do not try nude recreation. Fear of the unknown, fear they will meet someone they know at a nudist resort, fear that they won't "measure up," etc. Sadly many people let fear take over their lives, so much, they don't have as much fun in life as they could be having.

Here the woman admits how when her husband is nude, he has a better temperament. It is so true. Vacationing or living nude is one of the best feelings in the world.

Dear Abby, THANK YOU for telling Eve that she should give naturism a try. I am sure she will love it.

And Dear Abby, I know you come to Palm Springs from time to time. Feel free to stop on by. We will be happy to show you our resort. I bet you will love nude sunbathing too.

Now if you want to take a fun nude vacation (especially since Dear Abby says give it a try), give us a call at The Terra Cotta Inn clothing optional resort and spa located in sunny Palm Springs, CA.

We are the most mainstream nudist resort in the US and are perfect for couples trying topless or nude sunbathing for the first time. You don't even have to be a nudist to vacation with us.

Visit our site at

Follow us on twitter at

Hope to see you soon in sunny Palm Springs!

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