Monday, September 28, 2009

Is Twitter a Fad That will Fade?

I've been using Twitter since about May letting people know all about our resort The Terra Cotta Inn clothing optional resort and spa, last minute availability,airfare sales, interesting stories in the nudist world, etc.

I find twitter useful and stupid. I have learned about last minute airfare sales from it (and I pass on the information or retweet it), I have learned more marketing techniques. I have learned interesting news stories and more. So in that respect, Twitter is a useful tool.

Also Twitter was the first to break many news stories even alerting the mainstream media to them such as the uprisings in Iran over their elections and information about the jet that had an emergency landing a few months back in the Hudson river.

Why People Magazine even sent out a tweet on Friday August 28th about our resort dog Godiva passing away. Here it is:

"RT @PEOPLEPets R.I.P. Godiva the dog, a nudism fan Lady Gaga would've loved: (Tx and condolences to @nudist_resorts)
2:00 PM Aug 28th @peoplemag" That's pretty big as People Magazine has 1.4 million followers.

That said, twitter is also an extremely boring fad. I don't care that Shaquille O'Neal ate an ice cream cone. I don't care that someone is bored and painting their toenails. And I would bet most people don't care about those tweets either.

I think twitter will be like blogs and evolve. There are well over 100 million blogs and most are abandoned shortly after being started. Technorati estimates 1.6 million blogs are active on a daily basis and 16 million blogs are active at least once every 90 days.

So I find twitter will be very useful for people looking for information and useless for people who don't care what some stranger ate for lunch.

Here is a poll from Vanity Fair and 60 minutes. You will notice a good percentage think Twitter is a fad. It will be interesting to see what twitter evolves into.

"November 2009 The Vanity Fair/60 Minutes Poll

Do you think TWITTER is … ?

TOTAL 18–29 30–44 45–64 64+ MEN WOMEN
A fad that’ll fade 39% 51% 48% 35% 16% 10% 37%
Heard of it, but unsure what it is 33 24 24 36 53 54 41
Important new tool 15 22 14 14 9 11 8
What’s Twitter? 10 3 12 11 15 17 13"

For the full poll click here

Tired of boring overpriced chain hotel vacations? Looking for something fun and romantic? How about a clothes free vacation at The Terra Cotta Inn clothing optional resort and spa located in Palm Springs, California the sunniest city in the US.

Terra Cotta Inn is the most mainstream nudist resort in the US. It is perfect for couples trying topless or nude sunbathing for the first time. You will love it here as it is so much fun.

Give us a call at 800-786-6938 to make reservations or for more information.

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We hope to see you soon in sunny Palm Springs!

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