Friday, October 23, 2009

Looks like nude beaches will be OK in California (except San Onofre)

According to the Orange County Register newspaper today, it appears that even with the state Supreme Court striking down the Cahill policy which allowed people to nude sunbathe on certain beaches in California without fear of being cited. That is great news for nudists. Nudist may have lost the use of San Onofre nude beach, but at least it appears at this point in time there will be no enforcement by park rangers where nude sunbathers would be ticketed.

Here's the quote:

"The obliteration of the Cahill Policy essentially means that park rangers no longer need to receive a private citizen complaint before citing someone for nudity at any state beach up and down the California coastline.

Even with the new state-wide ramifications, department officials have said they have no intent of doing proactive enforcement at other traditionally nudist state beaches along the coastline."

For the full story click here

That is such good news for nudists as California has some of the most beautiful nude beaches.

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