Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Chris Elliott on MSNBC mentions a vacation at Terra Cotta Inn, Palm Springs is a bargain

"5 reasons to bare it all on your next vacation

...why would you still want to consider baring everything on your next vacation?

First a warning: A clothing-optional vacation isn’t for everyone. For example, when I posted Schuttauf’s interview on my blog, I illustrated it with what I thought was an appropriate photo of four unclothed women running into the Baltic. The picture only showed their uncovered derrieres, but the outcry from some of my readers was loud. They demanded I remove the “not-safe-for-work” image, and because I love my readers, I did. (Even if they’re prudes.)

And by way of full disclosure, no, I haven’t taken a nakation. But I’m open to it.

Here are a few reasons you might consider vacationing in the buff.

It’s not what you think
There are so many misconceptions about vacationing sans clothing, it would take an entire article to address them. But let me clear up just a few. Nudists are not perverts, and their resorts — at least the ones represented by AANR — are not seedy...

It’ll open your mind
Take it from someone whose neighbors were nudists: Going clothes-free can be an enlightening experience. I only mention this because many of us are looking for a different perspective when we’re on vacation, and removing our clothes can certainly offer that.

It’s a good time
“Nude recreation is fun,” says AANR’s Schuttauf. “Anyone who has ever gone skinny-dipping or as a kid romped through the back yard sprinkler in their birthday suit knows.” Fact is, most of the mainstream media coverage of nude recreation skips over this important point. Instead, we’re fed a lot of titillating nonsense — lists like the “Top 5 naked events” and “Top 5 nude beaches” that leave many of us firmly convinced that all nudists are hedonists...

It’s a deal
The entire travel industry is on sale, and nude resorts are no exception. For example, the Terra Cotta Inn in Palm Springs, Calif., was offering a two-day nude sunbathing special for as little as $149 a night per couple, as I wrote this. That’s $20 a night off the normal price.

...Put differently, you might pay less for your nakation than your vacation.

It’s easy to pack
You can blame Air New Zealand for this idea, since it came up with the clever ad campaigns featuring flight attendants in body paint. But packing for a clothing-optional vacation is so easy and you won’t ever have to worry about additional luggage fees. That’s a compelling argument when your carrier wants to charge $15 per bag — and more on some flights..."

Ready to strip down on your next vacation? While it’s true that you could save a couple of bucks on baggage fees and hotel rates, and that it definitely will broaden your horizons, allow me to add just one piece of advice: Try it before you book a whole week. Visit a clothing-optional club — many offer affordable day passes — and see how it feels.

If you like it, have a nakation.

If you don’t, you can join the rest of us prudes — yeah, I guess I’m probably one of them — and keep your clothes on."

For the full article click here

Chris Elliott is a travel reporter for MSNBC and the ombudman for National Geographic Traveler.

I have always been telling readers that our resort, The Terra Cotta Inn clothing optional resort and spa is the best value resort in Palm Springs. And now Chris Elliott agrees by mentioning us. Yes, we are a fantastic value which is one of the reasons why we are so popular.

For more information about our resort, the Terra Cotta Inn clothing optional resort and spa, visit our site at

Or give us a call at 800-786-6938.

We are the most mainstream nudist resort in the US and perfect for couples trying topless or nude sunbathing for the first time.

Follow us on twitter at

We hope to see you soon in sunny Palm Springs!

PS I invited Chris to take a nakation with us. Are you coming Chris? Drop me an e-mail or call me at 800-786-6938. We answer the phones from 8am-10pm PST.

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