Saturday, December 5, 2009

AANR's Nakation in a Box is featured on CNN site

AANR, the American Association for Nude Recreation has realized for more people to enjoy nudism you have to create positive PR. This year they have hit 2 home runs. First with the Guinness Book of records nude skinny dip. Next with the word nakation, meaning taking a naked vacation.

AANR even came up with the concept of a nakation in a box.

CNBC on Friday covered the nakation in a box story in an article is this Holiday gift Stupid or Cool.

Here it is:

"Are These Holiday Gifts Stupid or Cool?

Special to

Is holiday shopping bringing you down? Are you sifting through countless gift ideas trying to find something unique for the person who has everything?

Well, there's a good chance they don't have the stuff on this list!

But buyers beware — there's a fine line between stupid and cool, and this group of products teeters on that edge.

So after scouring the Web to find the most, umm...unique gifts out there, we want you to weigh in and decide...

Nakation in a Box, $74 from the American Association for Nude Recreation

Source: American Association for Nude Recreation
Nakation in a Box

...take a Nakation — a naked vacation — with the help of the American Association for Nude Recreation's Nakation in a Box.

For $74, naked travelers will receive a kit that includes the AANR's North American Guide to Nude Recreation — complete with tips for all you first timers out there — an "I'm on Nakation" towel, temporary tattoos (classy) and sunscreen (ouch!)

$74? That seems pretty steep for a kit that doesn't come with any clothes! But, according to the AANR Web site, it's a small price to pay for "the passport to your best vacation ever."

Nothing says it better than the group's slogan: "Put a little naked in your next vacation — you're going to love it!"

Now you can vote if you think this gift is stupid or cool. Here are the latest results:

CNBC Poll: Tell Us What You Think
Nakation in a Box * 1386 responses


Not a Scientific Survey. Results may not total 100% due to rounding.

For the full article Click here and if you click you can also vote.

What I thought was pretty cool is 26% of people thought cool. That is a big minority.

Good job with the pr, AANR.

It's time you should try a nakation too.

Never been to a clothing optional resort before? No problem. You really need to try something new, something fun, and different. We are the most mainstream nudist resort in the US and are perfect for couples trying topless or nude sunbathing for the first time!

This December, we were selected by readers of Palm Springs Life Magazine in their Best of the Best Reader's Choice issue as one of the top 3 of ALL boutique hotels in Palm Springs. That's really cool that people put us up with the nicest small hotels in town.

Give us a call at 800-786-6938 for more information or to make reservations.

Visit our site at

Follow us on twitter at

We hope to see you soon in sunny Palm Springs!

(Photo from AANR)

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