Sunday, January 10, 2010

Casino night was a fun party at Terra Cotta Inn, Palm Springs, California

Our guests had so much fun last night. We had blackjack, roulette, and craps. We gave away over $750 in free prizes. Sorry that everyone couldn't make it out. And best of all our Las Vegas style casino night was free for our guests.

Now that brings me to something interesting that I just learned. We had a couple come for day use today. Yes, Palm Springs is the warmest part of the US. 100% sunny today. Palm Springs is a year round nudist paradise. I will never understand why people go anywhere else.

I have had nudists from the east coast tell me they go to Florida because it's a closer flight. My thinking is it takes 2-3 hours to get to Florida and 6 to Palm Springs. When you are in Florida you are almost GUARANTEED to have rain on your vacation as Florida is the rainiest state in the US. It averages 60 inches of rain a year. Last year Palm Springs had 3.18 inches of rain. Why would any nudist want to fly somewhere where the weather is going to be bad? Come to Palm Springs.

Anyway, this guest said to me she wished she had known about our casino night party. I told here she could follow us on twitter or facebook, or our yahoo group or read our blog.

She told me she is a school teacher and has a school notebook computer. It has software on it that shows everywhere she goes on the net and she would never look at ANYTHING nudist related as she is afraid the school would find out and she could lose her job.

Talk about Big Brother. The last 9 years the Bill of rights has been trashed. People are so afraid. She is to afraid to use her work computer even at home on her own free time.

Years ago I started a blog called I think I am going to have to start writing for it again so people will have a safe spot to learn what is happening in Palm Springs and at the Terra Cotta Inn.

Somehow, I think our founding fathers would be rolling over in their graves is they knew how much government and the fear of our own government as taken over our lives.

Tom Mulhall
Terra Cotta Inn clothing optional resort and spa
Follow us on twitter at

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