Saturday, February 20, 2010

Suite 101 website recommends nude vacations

The popular online magazine and website Suite 101 wrote that people should consider clothing optional vacations as an alternative to regular clothed vacations.

Here's the story:

"Naked Truths Exposed About Nude Recreation
Guide to Clothing-Optional Travel and Vacationing

A national travel survey revealed that 10 percent of active travelers expressed interest in taking clothing-optional vacations...

While far from a statement that nude recreation has advanced to the status of a “mainstream” form of travel and leisure, 10 percent is a significant figure indicating quite a number of people are interested in experiencing vacationing in the buff. In the similar survey conducted in 2007, interest among Americans in clothing-optional vacations beat out golf, mountain biking and tennis-themed trips.

Clothing-Optional Travel and Leisure Venues

Opportunities abound for nude vacationing and travel, running the gamut from domestic boutique-like nudist resorts such as the Terra Cotta Inn, one of the top four resorts in Palm Springs, California, to Caribbean nudist resorts...

Myths About Nudist Travel Vacations

...those who do take and enjoy clothing-optional vacations and who are comfortable being naked in mixed social situations disagree. They assert that there is not by necessity a link between nudity and sexuality and that the traditional, ultra-conservative views on modesty and nakedness are built on erroneous prejudices and preconceptions that are barriers to greater interpersonal understanding and self-acceptance. They regard social nudity as neither offensive or lewd but wholesome and natural. They champion the idea that many recreational pursuits like sunbathing, swimming, cruising and hiking are most satisfying when enjoyed without the unnecessary restrictions of clothing.

It is interesting to observe that in a country where skimpy coverings like thong bikinis and other provocative dress are deemed acceptable public wear and where sex is used by advertisers to sell nearly every product imaginable, that so many yet cling to the idea that nudity is lewd and immoral. There does seem to be a ring a truth to the claims by nudists and naturists that social nudity can be non-sexual and healthy in appropriate settings.

Another common misconception is that nudist resorts are seedy. Nothing could be further from the truth. Most are professionally operated properties offering a wide range of amenities...

Finally, the opinions of many who lack personal experience with clothing-optional vacations, likely may be influenced by the common stereotypical view often held regarding social nudity in general that those who engage in nude recreation and travel are primarily older people who are overweight and not the types who should ever appear naked in public... customers come from every walk of life and are products of a diverse demographic spectrum. Most she adds "do not consider themselves nudists or naturists" but simply "view clothing-optional vacations as another choice."

For the full story click here

With the beautiful weather we've been having lately in Palm Springs, there is no reason not to vacation in sunny Palm Springs, California at The Terra Cotta Inn clothing optional resort and spa this year.

Now is the perfect time for a fun, romantic, unique vacation experience.

Never been to a clothing optional resort before? No problem. We are the most mainstream nudist resort in the US and are perfect for couples trying topless or nude sunbathing for the first time!

Give us a call at 800-786-6938 (toll free US and Canada) for more information or to make reservations.

Visit our site at

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We hope to see you soon in sunny Palm Springs, California!

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