Thursday, February 4, 2010

Terra Cotta Inn's FREE, NAKED Super Bowl party is a bargain

I have always said a vacation at The Terra Cotta Inn is a bargain (and so did MSNBC TV in November). Especially compared to textile hotels. Now I saw an ad for a big hotel in Palm Springs promoting their Super Bowl Sunday cabana package.

Now this "special" is you get a cabana for up to 6 people, you can watch TV on a 32 inch flat screen, you get an order of sliders, hot dogs, unlimited chips and salsa, a total of 12 "free" beers, 6 hotel baseball caps, and 1 disposable camera. All for the bargain price of only $600. Yes, that is $600.00. Want a 13th beer, you got to buy it. Want a 2nd hot dog, fork over more money. Want a cocktail or glass of wine, more money.

Now compare that to unlimited salsa, home made pizza all you can eat, assorted dips and appetizers, free beer and wine, soda and more at our resort The Terra Cotta Inn clothing optional resort and spa. And do you know how much our Super Bowl party costs? Zero, nada, zilch!

Can you believe idiots would pay $600 to wear clothes and watch a Super Bowl game where they could have fun all day long at our popular resort and have a fun free Super Bowl Party.

And best of all, because I do not want people to worry about driving home on Sunday night after partying watching the game, that one night of the year, ALL rooms are only $99!!!

Now you know one of the reasons why we were picked as one of the 3 BEST of ALL small resorts In palm Springs this December by palm Springs Life Magazine.

If you have always wanted to visit a clothing optional resort, now is your chance. We are considered the most mainstream nudist resort in the US.

We just have 4 rooms left that weekend.

Give us a call at 800-786-6938 for reservations.

Visit our site at

Follow us on twitter at

Hope to see you soon in sunny Palm Springs!

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