About once a month, we will get an e-mail from someone asking about availability. I promptly respond and 2 or 3 days later I get the same e-mail asking for info and availability.
Again I will respond and then maybe 1 or 2 more times I get the same e-mail from the potential guest who is now frustrated saying, something like "well if you aren't going to answer our e-mail, I guess you aren't interested in our business."
Many people have their spam filters set very high. I know this from experience with repeat guests who say they don't get our e-mails. It filters out a lot of real e-mails.
If you send us, The Terra Cotta Inn clothing optional resort and spa an e-mail and don't see a response in 24 hours, check your spam filters. Also many times if you have a rarely used hotmail, gmail, or yahoo account, you may have accidentally sent your original e-mail using one of those accounts from work instead of a more commonly used e-mail address.
It happens ALL THE TIME, that people blame us for not responding to e-mails. Smart people call us at 800-786-6938 when they don't see a response. And I hear all the time from the people when I tell them I answered their e-mail, "why did I send you an e-mail using that account?"
If you add your phone number to your e-mail, if it comes back to us from a mailbox full account, we can call you. Or when you resend your e-mail, we will know you are having problems receiving our e-mails, and we can call you. repeat guests we can call, new people, obviously, we can't.
We WANT to communicate with you.
I am on vacation this week in Napa and San Francisco. I am answering e-mails on vacation as is our manager at work.
So remember, if you don't see a prompt response, check your spam filters or call us at 800-786-6938.
Now is the perfect time for a fun, romantic, unique vacation experience.
Never been to a clothing optional resort before? No problem. We are the most mainstream nudist resort in the US and are perfect for couples trying topless or nude sunbathing for the first time!
Give us a call at 800-786-6938 (toll free US and Canada) for more information or to make reservations.
Visit our site at http://sunnyfun.com
Follow us on twitter at http://twitter.com/nudist_resorts
We hope to see you soon in sunny Palm Springs, California
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