Monday, June 28, 2010

Only 3 rooms left at Terra Cotta Inn, Palm Springs, California for the 4th of JNuly weekend

Have a fun 4th of July everyone at the Terra Cotta Inn nude sunbathing resort in sunny Palm Springs, California! Here I am already in the 4th of July spirit.

The weather has been fantastic here in sunny Palm Springs. Low
100's and low humidity, only 15%. Perfect for nude sunbathing!

With our powerful misting system poolside, and salt water pool and jacuzzi everyone is loving it here.

This 4th of July weekend for a Friday, Saturday, Sunday night stay we have just
3 rooms left due to cancellations.

Also don't forget in July our annual summer room sale starts on Sunday thru
Thursday, stay 1 night, the 2nd is 50% off. And our already discounted weekly
rates are reduced to only $859/couple/week.

And for the ultimate in pampering, get 1 massage, the 2nd is 50% off!

Visit our facebook page at:

Visit our site at

Give us a call at 800-786-6938 for more information or to make reservations. We answer the phones from 8am-10pm PST.

We hope to see you thi ssummer in sunny Palm Springs!

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