Tuesday, June 15, 2010

World Naked Bike Ride Reporting from New York

This last weekend the 2nd annual World Naked Bike Ride was held in New York City.

The reporting was fairly good. Here is a review from Gothamist online magazine CLICK HERE

This year BP Oil has really shown that the world has to start weaning itself from oil. It can be done. For instance Norway is a major leader and politicians in the EU say they want 20% of their energy from alternative sources by 2020.

Sadly here in the US, the oil industry continues to lobby our politicians so that we are more oil dependent than ever.

What's nice is nudists by the fact of wearing less clothing save energy and water. So they are already green.

Palm Springs, California is one of the greenest cities in California. We recycle more waste water than any other city. About 10% of our electricity comes from windmills. We ourselves at Terra Cotta Inn convinced out city 15 years ago to start a recycling program for hotels and other businesses. Before that only homes recycled.

If Palm Springs can become greener, so can other cities.

Tom Mulhall
Terra Cotta Inn clothing optional resort and spa, Palm Springs, California
For info or reservations call 800-786-6938
Visit our resort site: http://sunnyfun.com
Join the Terra Cotta Inn Facebook resort page at http://bit.ly/TerraCottaInnFBPage

We hope to see you in sunny Palm Springs!

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