Monday, July 19, 2010

Nude Vodka has a drink called The Skinny Dip

I had e-mailed with the Nude Vodka company a couple of years ago about trying to do some cross promotions. Discussions never want anywhere. Now John Elway is an investor in the company.

I think a PERFECT marriage would be Nude Vodka and nudist resorts, especially ours since it's my idea .

Since we're the most mainstream clothing optional resort and perfect for couples trying topless or nude sunbathing for the first time, we would be perfect as we would be a very comfortable fit.

Our coverage of the Guinness World record Skinny Dip was around the world on ABC, NBC, and CBS. Along with WGN, MSNBC, and CNN.

Here's the video clip from CNN:

Just imagine if everyone said they were sipping Nude Vodka's Skinny Dip when they set the record.

Here's their recipe for the Skinny Dip:

"Skinny Dip
3 ½ oz. of NUDE Vodka
2 oz. of San Pelligrino
Splash of lime juice

Combine all three contents into rocks glass over ice.
(Garnish – a lime wedge)"

I tried the drink and it's very refreshing especially sipping on it while skinny dipping in the pool.

To see more nude Vodka drinks, go to their site at

Next year's Guinness Book of Records Skinny Dip will be held in July, 2011. I hope to hear from Nude Vodka by then.

Tom Mulhall
Terra Cotta Inn clothing optional resort and spa, Palm Springs, California
For info or reservations call 800-786-6938
Visit our resort site:
Join the Terra Cotta Inn Facebook resort page at

The above photo is a beer that partnered with AANR for their annual convention. If a beer company can see the benefits of cross promotions, I would hope Nude Vodka would too.

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