Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Vote in CNBC Poll- Would you want to go on a naked vacation

Trip advisor this week came out with survey results saying 48% of people want to try a nude vacation.

Now CNBC has a similiar survey that just came out yesterday saying "Would you go on a naked vacation." It's part of their story titled:

Breaking Nudes: Naked Vacations Are Becoming More Popular


It is important for nudists to vote. This information will be used by AANR and I assume TNS government affairs teams in showing our legislators the popularity of nude recreation in the US.

As an interesting note, tripadvisor also had a story less than 2 years ago about he 10 best clothing optional resorts in the world. They picked 2 places in the US. We were the ONLY clothing optional resort that caters to couples on vacations in the US that they selected. That was pretty cool. We are perfect for couples trying topless or nude sunbathing for the first time.

So please take the time and vote.

Thanks you,

Tom Mulhall
Terra Cotta Inn, Palm Springs, CA
resort site:
For info or reseevations, call 800-786-6938

1 comment:

  1. I would LOVE to take a nude vacation! Thanks for bringing this to people's attention!
