Thursday, September 2, 2010

Do you have ideas for fun, big events to promote nude recreation?

AANR has a new President, Susan Weaver. She's a great person and I look forward to nude recreation growing under her guidance.

I am on the AANR West and National PR committees. We are looking for fun PR events that can be staged hopefully nationwide, but it's OK if it's not nation wide as long as it has good and positive PR potential.

The Guinness World record Skinny dip and this Guinness nude roller coaster ride are 2 good fun examples of positive PR events.

I'm asking people, if you have ideas, let me know. You can leave comments here. You can personally e-mail me at or you can call me at 800-786-6938. Just ask for Tom. I'll be happy to talk.

Here's the story on the Guinness record setting naked roller coaster ride:

"Hair-raising ... naked thrill-seekers on ride

The big stripper

MORE than 100 thrill-seekers rode a roller coaster naked, smashing the world record.

The 102 butt-naked adrenaline junkies let it all hang out as they took on the swerves and loops of the fairground ride to raise £22,000 for breast cancer research...

Senior Fundraising Manager at Bosom Pals, Barbara Warner said: "It takes a lot of nerve to take off all your clothes in front of 102 complete strangers, plus the world's media - so we would like to say a massive thank you to everyone who was brave enough to bare all and raise such a huge amount of cash more than £22,000 - for our vitally important cause."

For the full story and video Click Here

I look forward to hearing your ideas. Tom

Tom Mulhall
Terra Cotta Inn clothing optional resort and spa
Sunny Palm Springs, CA
Resort site
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For more information or reservations, call 1-800-786-6938 (toll free US and Canada). Rest of the world call 760-322-6059.

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