Sunday, October 3, 2010

Owner of clothing store threatened with disorderly conduct for a pantsless mannequin

If I didn't read this on a UPI site, I would have said this is a joke. Above is a photo of a mannequin. What is obscene about it.

Here's the story:

"Pantsless mannequin sparks obscenity debate

A Nebraska store owner considering legal action against his city claims police broke the law by covering a window displaying a mannequin with its pants down.

The Beatrice Police Department said officers used tape to cover a portion of the window at Hannah's Treasures because a citizen complained and Kevin Kramer, the owner of the store, could not be reached, the Beatrice Daily Sun reported Tuesday.

Police said the complaint was focused on the mannequin's lower region, which was exposed due to its pants falling down to its feet.

Kramer said he called police to ask about the tape and was told to report to the police station, where he would be cited on a disorderly conduct charge...

However, Kramer said he contacted lawyer Dustin Garrison and the police department dropped the charge when he threatened action against the city on allegations of trespassing, destruction of property and littering on the part of officers...

Tobias Tempelmeyer, city attorney, said the case would hinge on whether or not the display was obscene under the law...

For the full story click here

I don't know what's worse, the cops putting up the tape or a busy body citizen complaining to the police. If I was a cop, I would have laughed right in that citizens face and said "we have important things to worry about, not pants falling down off a store mannequin."

Because of scary people like that citizen and the police in that town, we need organizations like AANR and TNS to help protect our nudist rights.

Tom Mulhall
Terra Cotta Inn clothing optional resort and spa
Sunny Palm Springs, CA
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